Profile.do文件需要直接放在Stata文件的根目录下。这个文件用于配置Stata的工作路径和一些其他设置。 修改工作路径 🌐 打开Profile.do文件,你会看到一些路径设置。特别是第49行和第50行,这些行指定了外部命令和个人文件夹的存放位置。如果你遇到“could not create directory”的错误,那可能是因为路径设置不正确。你需...
could not create directory D:/stata/do 意思是profile的命令无法在D盘创造一个do文件 这是因为stata自动执行了profile文件中的命令,但是这个命令的路径是默认在D盘的stata文件夹中,所以我们要对这个路径进行修改 首先利用stata打开profile文件 可以看到里面的命令 此时重点观察第49行的命令,"D:/stata" 然后,将其改...
首先,将stata放在C盘下面,不要放在C:\Program Files (x86)或者C:\Program Files下面,否则就会出现问题如下: could not create directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Stata14/do 其二,打开连老师的文件,进行修改。 连老师的profiledo文档 1、D:/stata 修改为 C:/stata16,即修改为存放stata软件的那个的路径。 2、...
We could have saved more information, such as confidence intervals, by specifying the appropriate option. Type help regsave to see the full set of options. This output file can be easily analyzed and manipulated, but it is not ideal for table presentation. We can convert this “long” table...
If this code were compiled to form scaltomac.plugin, we could do the following interactively within Stata: . program scaltomac, plugin . scalar jean = 45.999 . plugin call scaltomac, jean marie . di "`marie'" 45.99900 . plugin call scaltomac, notdefined x1 r(111); Notice that th...
For example in our quick tour we could refer to loggnppc as log because it is the only variable that begins with those three letters, but this is a really bad idea. Abbreviations that are unique may become ambiguous as you create new variables, so you have to be very careful. You can...
from databases into Stata allows you to be as specific or as general as you like with the types of database applications and databases to which you can connect. For example, if you wanted a plugin that connected to several databases in MySQL, you could alterconnect_to_mysqlto have the ...
Had we omitted the option, we could not easily rerun our do-file. If myjob3.smcl had already existed and log was not told that it is okay to replace the file, the do-file would have stopped and instead reported that “file myjob3.smcl already exists”. We could get around...
// we start in the rootdir // Note: we could double-check that we are in the right directory: // confirm file "" global rootdir : pwd global data "${rootdir}data" global results "${rootdir}results" // all subsequent use references the globals use "${data}/mydata.dta" grap...
If you have very long group and/or field names, the first 32 characters could fail to uniquely identify a variable. If you run into this problem, you're using SurveyCTO Desktop to export your data, and group names are included in your .csv column headers, your best bet is to disable ...