could not create directory D:/stata/do 意思是profile的命令无法在D盘创造一个do文件 这是因为stata自动执行了profile文件中的命令,但是这个命令的路径是默认在D盘的stata文件夹中,所以我们要对这个路径进行修改 首先利用stata打开profile文件 可以看到里面的命令 此时重点观察第49行的命令,"D:/stata" 然后,将其改...
could not create directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Stata14/do 其二,打开连老师的文件,进行修改。 连老师的profiledo文档 1、D:/stata 修改为 C:/stata16,即修改为存放stata软件的那个的路径。 2、$path/plus 修改为 $path/ado/plus,因为我们把plus文件夹建立在ado文件夹下面了。
If this code were compiled to form scaltomac.plugin, we could do the following interactively within Stata: . program scaltomac, plugin . scalar jean = 45.999 . plugin call scaltomac, jean marie . di "`marie'" 45.99900 . plugin call scaltomac, notdefined x1 r(111); Notice that th...
Returned might be "example.dta" "" "". It is the names of the files that are returned, not their full path names. local list : dir "subdir" files "*" makes a list of all regular files that are to be found in subdir of the current directory. sysdir [ STATA | ...
If your data is in "long" format and you get a Stata error like "file not found", the issue is with the "do" commands at the very bottom of the main file: Stata is not able to find one or more of the repeat-group-specific .do files...
Stata Product code could be priceless tool for customers across various industries. This application is due towards technology’s usage of very effective tools which user may are using. Most cutting-edge and functional features are present. This application is straightforward for using, accurate, and...
stata中summarize所计算出来的峰度skewness和偏度kurtosis有问题,与ECELL和SPSS有较大差异,建议不采用stata的结果。 summarize var1 [aweight = var2], detail (求取分组数据的统计量,var1为各组的赋值,var2为每组的频数) tabstat X1,stats(mean n q max min sd var cv) ...
Stata 16 系列用户指南说明书 Stata16—Under the Hood Bill Rising StataCorp LLC 2019Italian Stata Users Group Meeting 26September2019 Firenze Contents 1Introduction1 1.1Goals (1)2Frames2 2.1Basic Frames (2)2.2Linking Frames (3)2.3Copying,Putting,and Posting (10)2.4Side Gains from Frames (...
Anyway, this could be a dissertation topic for some grad studentbutthis seems like an obvious mesearch trap and I am always of the opinion that research is not worth doing if it only says “case X (which I care about for reasons other than theory) fits theory Y.” Rather, research oug...
On Linux, the Stata GUI window must be the only program open with a window title ofStata/. If not, it appears the program will alternate between open Stata windows when pasting. xdotool seems to let me choose which Stata window to send text to, so maybe that could be put into a more...