5、绘制合成控制图 u"$path1A\synth_results.dta",clearkeepiftreat==1collapse(mean)p_valsyeduyedu_synth,by(year_birth)geffect=yedu-yedu_synthtwlineyeduyear_birth,lcolor(black)||lineyedu_synthyear_birth,lpattern(dash)lcolor(black)///||,graphregion(fcolor(gs16)lcolor(gs16))plotregion(lcol...
graph combine combine multiple graphs graph box box-and-whisker plots graph replay redisplay graphs stored in memory and on disk graph pie pie charts graph export export .gph file to PostScript, etc. Other graphics commands More commands to draw statistical graphs:Distributional diagnostic plots; Sm...
use "$inpath/masterdata_analysis", clear *McCrary Density Test: DCdensity monthdiff, breakpoint(0) generate(Xj Yj r0 fhat se_fhat) b(1) drop Xj Yj r0 fhat se_fhat graph save "$outpath\fig_1b.gph", replace gr combine "$outpath\fig_1b.gph", title("") l1("Density", size(larg...
308scheme(s1mono)legend(off) 309graphexportfigkstockinvest.wmf,rece 310restore 311 312*-重新合并多个 313graphcombinegr11.gphgr12.gphgr13.gph,/// 314title(IRFsofkstocktoothervariables)/// 315rows(1)ycommoncolfirstimargin(small)/// 316scheme(s2color) 317 318 319* 320*-1B.2.5PVAR预测误差...
. graph combine hy.gph yx.gph hx.gph, hole(3) imargin(0 0 0 0) grapharea(margin(l 22 r 22)) title("Life expectancy at birth vs. GNP per capita") note("Source: 1998 data from The World Bank Group") Returning to our tour, twoway, by() can produce graphs that look like th...
. bayesgraph kdensity {rho}, lcolor(red) /// > addplot(function Prior=betaden(5,3,x), /// > legend(on label(1 "Posterior")) lcolor(blue)) name(rho) nodraw . . graph combine alpha beta delta rho Schenck (Stata) Bayesian Econometrics August 6, 2021 53 / 65 bayes: dsgenl ...
graph twoway scatter y x, saving("myPlot.gph") replace save the graph when drawing g_raph save "myPlot.gph", replace save current graph to disk g__raph combine plot1.gph plot2.gph... combine 2+ saved graphs into a single plot g__raph export •myPlot.pdf', as(.pdf) export the...
[graphname] filename [, asis replace]或直接用选项saving(filename[, asis replace])保存的图可以组合起来graph combine,打开盘中的图用graph use graph save save graph to disk graph use redisplay graph stored on disk graph display redisplay graph stored in memory graph combine combine multiple graphs...
Doubly robust estimators combine the outcome modeling strategy of RA and the treatment modeling strategy of IPW. These estimators have a remarkable property: although they require us to build two models, we only need to specify one of the two models correctly. If we misspecify the treatment ...
residuals (the model over-estimates the data) and darker red indicating large positive residuals (the models under-estimates the data). This is one of several useful color scales devised by Cynthia Brewer, which you can learn about atwww.colorbrewer2.org. The legend could be made neater too...