SDID可以通过软件包在Stata中实现( written by Damian Clarke at University of Exeter and Daniel Pailañir at Universidad de Chile))。基本语法是 sdid depvar groupvar timevar treatment, vce(vcetype) 选项含义为: depvar是因变量; groupvar是指示单位的变量, timevar是表示时间段的变量; treatment表示在...
graph combine combine multiple graphs graph box box-and-whisker plots graph replay redisplay graphs stored in memory and on disk graph pie pie charts graph export export .gph file to PostScript, etc. Other graphics commands More commands to draw statistical graphs:Distributional diagnostic plots; Sm...
st: displaying only one legend with -graph combine-, Michael McCulloch (Thu Sep 18 12:10:36 2008) Re: st: displaying only one legend with -graph combine-, Maarten buis (Thu Sep 18 12:44:33 2008) Re: st: displaying only one legend with -graph combine-, Nick Winter (Thu Sep 18...
///scheme(s1mono)title("After matching")grsaveA.gph,replacegrcombineB.gphA.gph,r(1) 得到结果 完美! (完)
Graphics: What kind of graphs can I create in Stata? (Added 21 July 2006) Statistics: The results from estimation commands display only two-sided tests for the coefficients. How can I perform a one-sided test? (Added 20 July 2006) Unix: Why does Stata/MP on Solaris cause high CPU ...
graph pie E001,over(prefecture) plabel(_all sum) b1title("分地区一般预算支出图") note("数据来源:国家统计局《全国地市县财政统计资料》") sort des ang(0) pie(6,explode) legend(label(1 "喀什地区")) legend(label(2 "阿克苏地区")) legend(label(3 "和田地区")) legend(label(4 "吐鲁番地区...
308scheme(s1mono)legend(off) 309graphexportfigkstockinvest.wmf,rece 310restore 311 312*-重新合并多个 313graphcombinegr11.gphgr12.gphgr13.gph,/// 314title(IRFsofkstocktoothervariables)/// 315rows(1)ycommoncolfirstimargin(small)/// 316scheme(s2color) 317 318 319* 320*-1B.2.5PVAR预测误差...
stata入门中文讲义.docx,Stata及数据处理目录第一章STATA 基础11.1命令格式21.2缩写、关系式和错误信息41.3do文件41.4标量和矩阵51.5使用Stata命令的结果61.6宏71.7循环语句81.8用户写的程序121.9参考文献121.10练习12第二章数据管理和画图152.1数据类型和格式152.2 数据输
residuals (the model over-estimates the data) and darker red indicating large positive residuals (the models under-estimates the data). This is one of several useful color scales devised by Cynthia Brewer, which you can learn about The legend could be made neater too...
Doubly robust estimators combine the outcome modeling strategy of RA and the treatment modeling strategy of IPW. These estimators have a remarkable property: although they require us to build two models, we only need to specify one of the two models correctly. If we misspecify the treatment ...