graph combine 命令在 Stata 中用于将多个图形组合成一个单独的图形。这在需要将多个相关图形放在一起展示时非常有用,可以提高报告或演示文稿的可读性和条理性。 2. 语法结构 graph combine 命令的基本语法结构如下: stata graph combine [name ...] [, options] name ...:指定要组合的图形文件名(包括扩展名...
Stata tip 117: graph combine-Combining graphs There are many different reasons for wanting to create multipanel graphs, presented in r ≥ 1 rows and c ≥ 1 columns: these reasons include making efficient use of restricted display space and enhancing the presentation of results. In b... Lars...
graph combine g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6, cols(2) ycommon xcommon iscale(.5) Use the Stata Journal scheme for the common portion of the graph and the subgraphs graph combine g1 g2, scheme(sj) commonscheme Specify that the margin between the subgraphs should be 0 graph combine g1 g2 g...
echo的魔法 托儿所 1 急求:用stata作图时,想把四张图用graph combine 在一起,但是合并后,原来的四张图就乱套了,比如图的标题不见了,图形大小也变了,修改起来非常费劲。跪求哪位好心人可以告知,如何在合并图形时让原图保持原样?万分感谢!!!登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧AP...
To Subject st: graph combine: Center graph Date Fri, 18 Feb 2005 11:14:19 +0100Hello all, I use the command - graph combine - to combine 3 graphs in one figure. I would like to put the first graph in the first line, and the two other ones in the...
* graph save xxx.gph, replace // Stata 格式 .gph,便于后续 combine * graph export xxx.png, replace // .png 格式,便于插入 word, md, LaTeX *--- *-示例-G1:第一幅图 sysuse "auto.dta", clear set scheme s1mono #d ; twoway (scatter mpg weight, msize(small) msymbol(oh...
The combined figure was obtained by (1) saving each of the graphs when we drew them and (2) typinggraph combinefollowed by the names under which the images were saved. An important feature of Stata is that it has no modes or modules. The graphics commands are always available, so you ...
I don't see >>> any option to make it be drawn on top. >>> >>> I also tried "graph combine," but there's a large difference in the >>> number of observations in each category, and each of my separate >>> graphs was being drawn with the same width, so the graph was >>>...
I don't see any option to make it be drawn on top. I also tried "graph combine," but there's a large difference in the number of observations in each category, and each of my separate graphs was being drawn with the same width, so the graph was misleading. Any ideas? Thanks, ...
To: Subject: st: graph combine& single legend I want to combine 4 graphs, each a plot of three lines, using -graph combine-. Because the legend for the graphs are all the same, I would like to have a single legend at the bottom. When I use -legend...