浏览该数据集,可以在【变量窗口】中查看到【类型】这个属性,如下图所示。 通过查阅帮助文档[3](也可在 Stata 中使用 help datatpye 命令查看),可得,byte 占用 1 个字节,float 占用 4 个字节,int 占用 2个字节,str18 占用 18个字节,简单计算得到 auto.dta 一个观测的 width 是 43 字节。 str18中的18,...
用到的stata命令: help datatype;help format 一、数据类型及其区别 1、数值型:黑色 type:byte/ int/long(整数型,数值长度逐渐增加) type:float/double(浮点型,含有小数点的浮动变量,数值长度逐渐增加) 数值型变量区别 数值型转为字符型命令: tostring var,replace //替换掉原有变量 2、字符型:红色 type:str#...
用到的stata命令: help datatype;help format 一、数据类型及其区别 1、数值型:黑色 type:byte/ int/long(整数型,数值长度逐渐增加) type:float/double(浮点型,含有小数点的浮动变量,数值长度逐渐增加) 数值型变量区别 数值型转为字符型命令: tostring var,replace //替换掉原有变量 2、字符型:红色 type:str#...
occ_code byte %8.0g occupation union byte %8.0g 1ifunion wks_ue byte %8.0g weeks unemployed last year ttl_expfloat%9.0g total work experience tenurefloat%9.0g job tenure,inyears hours int %8.0g usual hours worked wks_work int %8.0g weeks worked last year ln_wagefloat%9.0g ln(wage/G...
int %8.0g NLS ID age byte %8.0g Age in current year race byte %8.0g racelbl Race married byte %8.0g marlbl Married never_married byte %16.0g nev_mar Never married grade byte %8.0g Current grade completed collgrad byte %16.0g gradlbl College graduate south byte %9.0g southlbl Lives ...
synth_runner depvar predictorvars , [ trunit(#) trperiod(#) d(varname) trends pre_limit_mult(real>=1) training_propr(real) gen_vars ci pvals1s max_lead(int)noenforce_const_pre_length n_pl_avgs(string) parallel deterministicout pred_prog(string) drop_units_prog(string) xperiod_prog(...
stata 带值标签的数值类型 1、数值型:黑色type:byte/ int/long(整数型,数值长度逐渐增加);float/double(浮点型,含有小数点的浮动变量,数值长度逐渐增加)数值型变量区别数值型转为字符型命令:tosting var,replace //替换掉原有变量2、字符型:红色 type:str#
byte for integers between ——127 and 100 (using 1 byte of memory per observation) int for integers between——32,767 and 32,740 (using 2 bytes of memory per observation) long for integers between ——2,147,483,647 and 2,147,483,620 (using 4 bytes of memory per observation) ...
int %10.0g ptCode v_ptCode2 byte %10.0g ptCode2 v_ptTitle str64 %64s ptTitle v_ptTitle2 str64 %64s ptTitle2 v_qtAltCode byte %10.0g qtAltCode v_qtAltDesc str64 %64s qtAltDesc v_qtCode byte %10.0g qtCode v_qtDesc str64 %64s qtDesc v_rgCode byte %10.0g rgCode v_...