By Howard GrossmanM.D
(HIV) infection for men who have sex with men (MSM).Tenofovir diphosphate (TFV-DP) concentrations in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and rectal mononuclear cells from an intensive pharmacokinetic study ("Cell-PrEP" [preexposure prophylaxis]) of 30 days of daily TDF/FTC followed by...
"Every single one of these boys comes to work. We want workers. Every one of us... black, white, Asian, brown, whatever you are... there is opportunity for you. We have taken it back. We are going to do it our way. If you don't like it, don't watch... but you're going...
Marc O'Connor, COO and chief strategy officer at Curant Health, discusses the out-of-pocket costs that can emerge for patients starting a specialty medication regimen. Marc O'Connor, COO and chief strategy officer at Curant Health, discusses the out-of-pocket costs that can emerge for ...
They anticipated social support from family members, their main sexual partner and close friends for their PrEP use, and discussed other men as important sources of support for PrEP initiation. Nearly all men expressed positive views of people using PrEP. Participants believed HIV testing would be ...
Background Chemsex (the use of psychoactive drugs in sexual contexts) has been associated with HIV acquisition and other STIs, so there is benefit in identifying those most likely to start chemsex to offer risk reduction interventions such as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). To date, there have...
Youth aged 13–29 years represent 23% of the population but account for 40% of new HIV diagnoses, with risk peaking at ages 22–23 years. We assessed sexual behaviors, PrEP knowledge and attitudes among patients of 6 School-Based-Health-Centers (SBHCs) located in Northern Manhattan and the...