对HIV病毒感染者而言,这种只需每两个月注射一次的PrEP治疗方法大受欢迎,但它也有弊端。由于无法自行注射,因此只适用于与医疗机构有接触的人群。而且,与其他形式的 PrEP不同,卡替拉韦的使用似乎会导致一些HIV病毒株产生耐药性,而后者更需人们提高警惕。 04 PrEP的未来 暴露前预防的显著疗效是抗击HIV病毒革命的一场重...
You have other reasons to think you are at risk for HIV. Today you have options when it comes to taking PrEP. The medicine comes as two different pills and an injection. It's important to talk to your doctor about whether you should go on PrEP, and which of the three medication types...
demonstrated superiority for prevention of HIV infection compared with TDF/FTC among 4566 MSM and transgender women (0.41% vs 1.2% infected; hazard ratio, 0.34 [95% CI, 0.18-0.62])7; among 3224 cisgender women, there were 0.20 HIV infections per 100 person-years in those assigned ...
Whereas public health efforts to prevent HIV transmission used to focus exclusively on HIV diagnosis and reductions in the practices that transmit HIV, they now include the provision of HIV medication to HIV-negative persons before potential contacts when transmission could occur; this is known as ...
Protection toward prevention is the best option to consider; however, the 2 types of medication therapies that can help with prophylaxis include PrEP and non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis (nPEP). PrEP is for people who are at high risk of exposure to HIV infection, who should a...
Even though highly effective medications are currently available to prevent HIV, there are about 1.3 million new infections worldwide each year. Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH, of the University of California San Francisco joins JAMA Senior Editor Karen E. Lasser, MD, MPH, to discuss preexposure prophyl...
Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that just over a million people are at sufficient risk of HIV to meet pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) prescribing guidelines, less than one in ten of these individuals are taking PrEP. What's more, the uptake of PrEP has...
C.f. D.C. a. US Public Health Service-Preexposure prophylaxis for the prevention of HIV infe...
Whereas public health efforts to prevent HIV transmission used to focus exclusively on HIV diagnosis and reductions in the practices that transmit HIV, they now include the provision of HIV medication to HIV-negative persons before potential contacts when transmission could occur; this is known as pr...
treat HIV. If you contract HIV and are taking PrEP, you will need to be switched to a multiple drug regimen effective in treating HIV. If you become HIV positive and continue on PrEP, you could develop resistance to the drugs in PrEP which will limit some of your HIV treatment options....