如果人体试验进展顺利,我们认为该植入物可能在五年内面市。 参考:Fernanda P. Pons-Faudoa et al, Long-acting refillable nanofluidic implant confers protection against SHIV infection in nonhuman primates, Science Translational Medicine (2023).DOI: 10.1126/scitranslm...
Via:health.harvard.edu 原标题:PrEP: Protection against HIV in a pill? 作者:Meera Sunder 翻译:东东 编辑:大王 版权声明:本文为春雨医生原创稿件,版权归属春雨医生所有,未经授权禁止转载,授权与合作事宜请联系reading@chunyu.me
It’s also worth noting that although PrEP can offer effective protection against HIV, it doesn’t protect people from other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as syphilis and gonorrhea. For people who are exposed to HIV through injection drug use, PrEP also won’t help prevent blood...
Multiple reports have been published about PrEP; some are for PrEP and some caution against using PrEP. Almost everyone agrees that PrEP has a sound scientific basis and works very well when taken daily as part of a complete HIV prevention strategy. Some critics raise concerns that patients pres...
PrEP is a medicine which provides protection against HIV. If you are taking PrEP and you get exposed to HIV, PrEP can block HIV from causing an infection. HIV is a serious virus which, if left untreated, affects your immune system. ...
PrEP may provide as much as 90% protection against HIV infection, but this is dependent upon patient compliance.Implications for practiceNurse practitioners are in an ideal position to be the gatekeepers for information and access to PrEP. However, this requires that they engage in thorough risk ...
(MSM).5The 211 method provides the same level of protection against HIV infection through anal exposure in cisgender men as the daily method.6The 211 method can be used for single-day use or multi-day use. This on-demand PrEP method only applies to PrEP use with Truvada®. If you ...
There is currently no data available on how long PrEP has to be taken to provide protection against HIV in insertive anal sex (topping) or insertive vaginal sex.How do I get PrEP?If you’re a One Medical member, you have full access to testing, screening, and PrEP. Our team of ...
SEATTLE — In a real-world setting, pre-exposure prophylaxis conferred even higher levels of protection against HIV among men who have sex with men than previously observed in placebo-controlled trials, according to data from the PROUD stud...
The team first determined that within just one day all the monkeys who received implants had amassed protective levels of circulating ISL. Further testing revealed that all the implanted monkeys appeared to be fully protected against simian HIV exposure via both the rectum and the vagina, with no ...