Then we need to review them six times a day.On the ___(two) day, we get over the first day’s sentences. Then we learn five new sentences with five new words just as we did the day before.For each day’s sentences, after we have reviewed them ___ five continuous days, we just...
For each day’s sentences, after we have reviewed them___five continuous days, we just need to review them once a week. Then once a month. Through this method, we’ve stored them in our long-term memory and will never forget them. Result of...
Practise buying the things on the shopping list for a birthday party. 2e. 练习为生日派对购买购物清单上的物品。 Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? Yes, please. How much is …? How much is are ...? 是的,请问。...多少钱?...多少钱? Grammar Focus 语法重点 3a. Read the sentences. Circle...
points of the class. And I can also make teaching improvements.YesNo1.I can pronounce and write 26 letters correctly.2.I can read and write key words and sentences correctly.3.I can greet others politely and fluently.4.I can finish the listening and speaking tasks and keep up with the ...
now, but She ...Group workFeelings NameHobbiesSummer HolidayZhu Xiaomeng’sSelf-introductionADCBHomeworkFor all: 1.Read the passage correctly, fluently and beautifully.2.Read and recite some of the phrases and sentences.Optional: Make a self-introduction card for Zhu Xiaomeng.Thank younull58723.67...
introduction 17. forgot 18. enjoyable19. lucky fortableC21. growth 22. nodded 23. actor; acted 24. buildings25. really 26. difference 27. more 28. careful29. better 30. strictlyD31. carried 32. meeting 33. kisses 34. painting35. hugged三层 词形转换语篇练A1. hobbies 2. relaxing 3. ...
-We'velearnedalottoday.Let'sreviewwhatwe'vedone.Canyoutellmethreethingsyou'velearned?Yes,you'velearnedhowtogreetpeople,introduceyourselves,andwritesentencesinEnglish.Verygood! 12.作业布置 -Forhomework,Iwantyoutowriteashortintroductionaboutyourself.Includeyourname,age,andwhereyou'refrom.Youcanalsodrawapic...
Task2Sentences 1.First ,talk about the picture then makethedialogue. ---Good morning,Helen! ---Good morning,Dale! ---Goodafternoon,Eric! ---Goodafternoon,Frank ---Goodevening,Alice!---Goodevening,Bob. 2.Practice the conversations with your partner. 3 .Listen and numbe r the pictures (...
2.Revise the words and key sentences they have learnt in Module 1. step2.Introduction 1.learn new words and read them together,especially, pay attention to their pronunciation. 2.Read all the new words freely, give them some help and ask some of them to read them in class. step3.Listen...