Sentence Starters: Definition, Rules and Remarkable Examples Sentence starters, also known as transition words or phrases, are vital tools for essay writing. They play a key role in formulating an interesting and well-written introduction, providing smoothtransitions...
Sentence starters for creative writing might include phrases like"Suddenly," "Without warning,"or"As the sun set,"which help set the scene or introduce a dramatic event. 5. What are some effective sentence starters for introduction paragraphs? Sentence starters for introduction paragraphs include"To...
Be natural.Some of the best writing out there is writing that sounds natural. This goes for academic writing, too. While you won’t use phrases like "at the end of the day" in essay writing, stilted phrases like "in conclusion" can disrupt the flow you’ve created earlier on. Here ar...
Conclusion sentence starters for essays Conclusions and summaries always act a little differently than other sentences and paragraphs because they don’t present new information. When you’re writing a conclusion, remember that sentence starters can cue the reader that you’re about to “wrap things...
could respond. Finish the sentence and give as many reasons as you can using evidence from the text to explain your answer. Some of the sentence starters may give you enough of an idea so that you can write a whole journal entry, or you can use several sentence starters to help you ...
just in the same way . . . finally finally for the time being then basically . . . similarly . . . as well as first of all the next step simultaneously afterward to begin with in conclusion soon at first in the first place in time whileParagraph Starters When Summarizing an Argument...
Learn how to start a conclusion. Read about concluding sentences, their purpose, and how to write them. Explore conclusion sentence starters and...
Page 9 of 50 - About 500 Essays Overview of Ilokano Sentence Structures: A Minimalist Approach I. IntroductionThis paper is an attempt to describe the structure of Ilokanosentences‚ concurring with the Minimalist program proposed by Noam Chomsky. The Philippine language being considered is under ...
10月25日-28日,臻识科技盛装亮相安博会,系统展示了最新一代的产品和方案,并正式发布面向场景数字化应用的3 [...] [...] 25 10 月 【大咖分享】臻识周卓立:场景化的AI技术赋能智慧交通发展趋势 10月12日,2023(乌镇)城市停车运营管理专题论坛如期举办。臻识作为智能交通场景感知专家受邀出席,算法总监 [....
近日,成都、重庆、常州等多地美丽充场站完成焕新升级,基于臻识科技RF充电车位管理相机智慧化能力,为车主创造出更 [...] [...] 14 4月 40%→0%,臻识携手度普新能源推动“充电车位级智能管理”发展 2021年,我国充电桩保有量增至261.7万台,车桩比达3:1。虽然车多桩少,但充电桩行业普遍面临着利用率低...