I removed those "***" and I was then able to start the service. Now this really does not help if I have to go into each of the remote machines and do this manual step before I can use powershell to remotely enter sessions and execute cmdlets on the remote machine. Maybe this will...
PowerShell 复制 $jobWRM = Invoke-Command -ComputerName (Get-Content -Path C:\Servers.txt) -ScriptBlock { Get-Service -Name WinRM } -JobName WinRM -ThrottleLimit 16 -AsJob将创建使用 Invoke-Command 的作业并将其存储在 $jobWRM 变量中。 Invoke-Command 使用ComputerName 参数指定运行作业的...
Winrm.cmd Winrs Winsat Wlbs Wmic Wscript Xcopy 閱讀英文 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 共用方式為 Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 列印 /start 發行項 2016/08/31 Applies To: Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8 ...
Powershell Out-file do not create output file powershell shortcut gives "this file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action" PowerShell to Add GUI to Server Core (ServerCore-FullServer) PowerShell- how to run a command on multiple remote computer PowerVault MD320...
2006/1/25 9:16:35 PMCCMDoCertificateMaintenance() 引发CCM_ServiceHost_CertificateOperationsFailure状态事件。 2006/1/25 9:16:35 PMLoading 服务设置。 2006/1/25 9:16:35 PMFailed 打开 WMI 命名空间“\\.\root\ccm\Policy\Machine”(8004100a) ...
This example runs a job on multiple computers. The job is stored in a variable and is executed by using the variable name on the PowerShell command line. PowerShell $jobWRM=Invoke-Command-ComputerName(Get-Content-PathC:\Servers.txt)-ScriptBlock{Get-Service-NameWinRM }-JobNameWinRM-Throttle...
PowerShell $jobWRM=Invoke-Command-ComputerName(Get-Content-PathC:\Servers.txt)-ScriptBlock{Get-Service-NameWinRM }-JobNameWinRM-ThrottleLimit16-AsJob 将创建使用Invoke-Command的作业并将其存储在$jobWRM变量中。Invoke-Command使用 ComputerName参数指定运行作业的计算机。Get-Content从C:\Servers.txt文件获取...
PowerShell $jobWRM=Invoke-Command-ComputerName(Get-Content-PathC:\Servers.txt)-ScriptBlock{Get-Service-NameWinRM }-JobNameWinRM-ThrottleLimit16-AsJob 将创建使用Invoke-Command的作业并将其存储在$jobWRM变量中。Invoke-Command使用 ComputerName参数指定运行作业的计算机。Get-Content从C:\Servers.txt文件获取...
Can we login & logout from powershell ? Can we run PowerShell 7 in PS ISE? Can we show the nested objects in Powershell? Can you disable an AD account based on the email address Can you execute WinRM 2 'set' commands wthin Powershell 2? Can you pass a variable to a SQL Script...
How to connect a domain workstation to the server remotely how to create a shortcut RDWeb Apps How to Create Virtual Desktop Template How to define a background for a remote desktop session that is locked in a program - server 2012 R2? How to deploy a GUI scripted Powershell from Remot...