Get-WinEvent Get-Counter Get-EventLog Clear-EventLog Write-EventLog Limit-EventLog Show-EventLog New-EventLog Remove-EventLog Get-WmiObject Get-Process Get-Service Set-Service Get-HotFix Restart-Computer Stop-Computer Add-Computer Remove-Computer ...
You can also enable Remote Desktop on a remote computer using PowerShell. This requires the WinRM computer (Windows Remote Management) service to be enabled and configured on the remote. Check that WinRM is enabled on the remote computer and that PSRemoting connections are allowed. Run the com...
New-PSSessionConfigurationFile -RunAsVirtualAccount -Path .\VirtualAccount.pssc# Note this will restart the WinRM service:Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name'VirtualAccount'[-ShowSecurityDescriptorUI] -Path .\VirtualAccount.pssc -Force# Check the Permission property:Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name...
適用於:Windows Server 2012 R2、Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1、Window 10 – 所有版本 原始KB 編號: 2781106 徵狀 請試想下列案例: 您無法從 Windows 8 型電腦從遠端連線到 Windows Server 2012 裝置管理員。 您無法從 Windows 7 電腦遠端連線到 Windows Server 2012 裝置...
Start the Windows Remote Management ServiceNow, you must make sure that the Windows Remote Management service (WS-Management) is always running on the target PC. For that, perform the following steps on the remote computer:On the target computer, open the Services console by typing in “...
Windows Remote Management Event ID 10154: The WinRM service failed to create the following SPN: WSMAN windows resource kit tools\command shell is it now Windows Support Tools for server 08? Windows Schedule error 0x9 Windows Search...
Winrm quickconfig 或者若要啟用遠端功能,您可以使用下列 Windows PowerShell Cmdlet:PowerShell 複製 Enable-PSremoting -force 重要 Windows 遠端管理透過 HTTP 進行通訊。 根據預設,Windows 遠端管理和 Windows PowerShell 遠端處理會針對傳入的未加密連線使用 TCP 通訊埠 5985,並針對...
net start vds Enabling exceptions in the firewalls Enabling the service is not enough. You need to enable the Remote Disk Management exception on the Server Core machine and the machine you're managing your Server Core from. That's right:both boxes. ...
Winrm quickconfig 或者,若要启用远程处理,可以使用以下 Windows PowerShell cmdlet: PowerShell复制 Enable-PSremoting-force 重要 Windows 远程管理通过 HTTP 进行通信。 默认情况下,Windows 远程管理和 Windows PowerShell 远程处理为传入的未加密连接使用 TCP 端口 5985,并为传入的加密连接...
For systems where the WSMan protocol is desired, the WinRM service must be running. If PowerShell remoting is already enabled, the WinRM service will already be running. WinRM can be enabled locally with PowerShell or remotely in an enterprise with GPO. Enable and configure Windows PowerShell...