它来自切片器,以及我们之前设置的自定义启动 G 代码(我们在两个示例的导出 gcode 中都看到了 PRINT_START 之后的参数名称)。 然而,在我们实际使用这些变量之前,我们必须从传递给 PRINT_START 宏的参数中提取它们。这些参数保存在 klipper 维护的集合中,称为 。请注意,在新宏的开头,我们看到了另一个新符号,也是大...
{% set km = printer["gcode_macro _km_globals"] %} {% set bed_overshoot = (BED + (km.start_bed_heat_overshoot if BED else 0.0), printer.configfile.settings.heater_bed.max_temp ) | min %}INIT_LAYER_GCODE LAYERS="{LAYERS}" ...
[gcode_macro G32] gcode: SAVE_GCODE_STATE NAME=STATE_G32 G90 ; absolute positioning QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL BED_MESH_CALIBRATE CALIBRATE_Z PARK RESTORE_GCODE_STATE NAME=STATE_G32 [gcode_macro PRINT_START] gcode: # Parameters {% set bedtemp = params.BED|int %} {% set hotendtemp = para...
description: Inserted by slicer at end of print. Usage: PRINT_END gcode: M400 G92 E0 G1 E-5.0 F3600 {% set km = printer["gcode_macro _km_globals"] %} {% set toolhead = printer.toolhead %} {% set max_x = toolhead.axis_maximum.x %} {% set max_y = toolhead.axis_maximum...
The bed is small enough and thick enough that a mesh or other types of per print leveling should not be needed. There is a macro in Klipper to help with the manual bed leveling process: BED_SCREWS_ADJUST This tool will move the printer’s nozzle to each screw XY location and then ...
I have this problem as well, I am using klipper and my start gcode looks like this: PRINT_START EXTRUDER_TEMP=[first_layer_temperature] BED_TEMP=[first_layer_bed_temperature] it sets all the temps i need in a macro on klipper Let us decide what gcode gets included, please... 👍 3...
Use the Linear Advance Setting plugin (from the Marketplace) to set your linear advance factor in profiles. Then - since you seem to be using Klipper), add this gcode macro to your printer.cfg: [gcode_macro m900] default_parameter_K: 0 gcode: SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE ADVANCE={K}5...
您可以在 https://www.klipper3d.org/G-Codes.html 和搜索中阅读有关这些宏的更多信息 另请注意,第三行包含对 PRINT_START 的调用,以及 PRINT_START 后的几个值。PRINT_START后面的选项是参数,这些参数允许将信息从切片器传递到打印机本身的PRINT_START宏中。