结束打印时调用 M300 播放提示音,示例来自 CHEP###[gcode_macro START_PRINT] gcode: # chirp to indicate starting to print M300 S1000 P500 # Use absolute coordinates G90 # Reset
例如,在打印前加热床和喷嘴的宏可能看起来像这样: [gcode_macro probe_mesh] gcode: # Set extruder and bed temperature M109 S120 M190 S60 # Home all axis G28 # Start probing BED_MESH_CALIBRATE PROFILE=mesh1 METHOD=automatic # Turn off heaters afterward TURN_OFF_HEATERS 最后,您还可以通过控制台...
鲁班猫只能通过SD卡来运行系统,我们根据教程将镜像烧录到SD卡:https://doc.embedfire.com/linux/rk356x/quick_start/zh/latest/quick_start/flash_img/flash_img.html#sd 烧录的镜像是Ubuntu20.04的镜像,考虑到后面可能会加MIPI屏幕,所以刷了xfce桌面版。这里要注意,由于打印机基本上是24小时运行的,所以SD卡要用...
You must have a heater_bed, extruder, and other sections listed below configured, otherwise the macros will force a printer shutdown at startup. Unfortunately, the Klipper macro doesn't have a more graceful way of handling this sort of thing. The multi-extruder and chamber heater functionality...
Error evaluating 'gcode_macro _SET_TIMELAPSE_SETUP:gcode': gcode.CommandError: CUSTOM_POS_X=10.0 must be within [0.0 - 0.0]"park_custom_pos_x:0.0park_custom_pos_y:0.0park_custom_pos_dz:0.0 手动开始和停止拍摄的命令如下: Copy HYPERLAPSE ACTION=START CYCLE=10 ...
This is the config of my Voron 2.4 350mm3 Serial:V2.660 - klipper_config/macro.cfg at master · wile-e1/klipper_config
then you have to figure out how fast to turn the steppers to get the right amount of plastic out over that time. You also may have to retract before you start a move, make sure temperatures are stable, and transform the actual coordinates based on bed leveling data. There’s a lot goi...
电脑USB共享网络-Windows :https://doc.embedfire.com/linux/rk356x/quick_start/zh/latest/quick_start/network/network2.html#usb-windows 有了网络以后就可以通过ssh连接鲁班猫了,我们通过hostname去连接鲁班猫。 目前这种网络连接方式只能连接电脑访问网络,要单独使用的话还需要连接无线网络,参考教程,使用nmtui连接...
# filename must end in ".bin" and must not match the last filename # that was flashed. # See docs/Config_Reference.md for a description of parameters. [stepper_x] step_pin: PC2 dir_pin: PB9 enable_pin: !PC3 microsteps: 16 ...
It's hard to please everybody when creating a product/service but actually listening to the public's feedback is a good start. People need privacy, full control and reliability to actually consider using the product over the alternatives.Klipperand it's UI clients come asopen sourceand100% ...