The NetBackup install script does not create the service unit for systemd but NetBackup is supported on Red Hat Linux 7 update 2 and SUSE 12 SP1 because systemd will run traditional init scripts. Additionally the Linux systemd will attempt to convert traditional init scripts to systemd services fi...
NetBackup\bin;C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\PROGRA1\CA\SHARED1\SCANEN1;C:\PROGRA1\CA\ETRUST1;C:\SYSMGT\CA_APPSW;C:\SYSMGT\NSM\BIN;C:\SYSMGT\NSM\help;C:\SYSMGT\NSM\services\bin;C:\SYSMGT\NSM\agents\...