NetBackup_8.1_LinuxR_x86_64/linuxR_x86/catalog/anb/nbtelemetry NetBackup_8.1_LinuxR_x86_64/linuxR_x86/anb/NetBackup_8.1_LinuxR_x86_64/linuxR_x86/anb/VRTSnetbp.rpm NetBackup_8.1_LinuxR_x86_64/linuxR_x86/anb/client_dist.tar.gz NetBackup_8.1_LinuxR_x86_64/linuxR_x86/anb/.sizes_VRTSnet...
-addSvc "Service Name" 向 NetBackup 群集组中添加一个 NetBackup 服务. NetBackup 命令 87 bpclusterutil -c 基于您在注册表中指定的值在群集中配置 NetBackup 并使 NetBackup 组联机. -ci 基于您在注册表中指定的值在群集中配置 NetBackup,但不使 NetBackup 组 联机. -delete 删除用于在群集中配置 NetBackup...
NetBackup and Media Manager are normally installedin/usr/openv.The existing/usr/openv directory will be usedforNetBackup and Media Manager.Saving server binariesforLINUX_RH_X86.Reading NetBackup files from/soft/NetBackup_8.1.1_LinuxR_x86_64/linuxR_x86/anb Checkingforpre-existing
然后reboot重启服务器 2、上传NetBackup_8.1.1_LinuxR_x86_64.tar.gz并解压安装 cd /soft/tar -zxvf NetBackup_8.1.1_LinuxR_x86_64.tar.gz安装前建议关闭防火墙systemctl stop firewalld.servicesystemctl disable firewalld.servicecd NetBackup_8.1.1_LinuxR_x86_64./install 3、安装过程 [root@nbuserver ...
0 发现 TargetServer 提供的对象 --重新启动 iscsid #service iscsi restart --或者使用 iscsiadm 命令,自动登录 iscsi target #iscsiadm –m node –L automatic 3.1.3 系统命令查看磁带库 --查看系统形成的磁带机设备名,配置正确后,系统可以自动识别磁带机 #ls /dev/st* --mt ...
Restart the Veritas NetBackup Snapshot Manager Agent service on the agent host. On a Linux hosts, run the following command: # sudo systemctl restart flexsnap-agent.service On Windows hosts: Restart the Veritas NetBackup Snapshot Manager™ Agent service from the Windows Services console. NetBacku...
–查看l Target 及其所属设备 -- 如果设备变化后,使用 reload 重新扫描设备 #/etc/init.d/iscsi reload -- 如果重新设置 iSCSI Target ServerIP ,重启 iSCSI #/etc/init.d/iscsi restart 3.1.2 RHEL5 配置 iSCSI -- 启动 iscsid #service iscsi start -- 定义使用 iSCSI 发现对象的方式, Target Server ...
On UNIX and Linux systems, the master server is the first SERVER entry in the bp.conf file. If you change the server list on a UNIX or Linux master server, you must stop and restart the NetBackup Request daemon (bprd) and NetBackup Database Manager daemon (bpdbm) in order for the cha...
Restart netbackup daemons on client.You can also set verbose in the bp.conf file as well.Rgds...Geoff Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make all your paths straight. 0 Kudos...
Start netbackup service on unix/linux:/etc/init.d/xinetd restart – Linux/etc/init.d/netbackup start/stop/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/netbackup stop/start /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/nbclient stop/startxinetd netbackup stop / start...