export KAFKA_ADVERTISED_PORT=$(docker port `hostname` $KAFKA_PORT | sed -r "s/.*:(.*)/\1/g") fi if [[ -z "$KAFKA_BROKER_ID" ]]; then # By default auto allocate broker ID export KAFKA_BROKER_ID=-1 fi if [[ -z "$KAFKA_LOG_DIRS" ]]; then export KAFKA_LOG_DIRS="/k...
KAFKA_CLIENT_USERS:使用 SASL 进行客户端通信时将创建到 Zookeeper 中的用户。被逗号隔开。默认值:用户 KAFKA_CLIENT_PASSWORDS:在 中指定的用户的密码KAFKA_CLIENT_USERS。被逗号隔开。默认值:bitnami KAFKA_CFG_MAX_PARTITION_FETCH_BYTES:服务器将返回的每个分区的最大数据量。默认值:1048576 KAFKA_CFG_MAX_REQUES...
#!/bin/bash if [[ -z "$KAFKA_PORT" ]]; then export KAFKA_PORT=9092 fi if [[ -z "$KAFKA_ADVERTISED_PORT" ]]; then export KAFKA_ADVERTISED_PORT=$(docker port `hostname` $KAFKA_PORT | sed -r "s/.*:(.*)/\1/g") fi if [[ -z "$KAFKA_BROKER_ID" ]]; then # By ...
KAFKA_ADVERTISED_PORT=$(docker port"$(hostname)"$KAFKA_PORT|sed-r's/.*:(.*)/\1/g') exportKAFKA_ADVERTISED_PORT fi if[[-z"$KAFKA_BROKER_ID"]];then if[[-n"$BROKER_ID_COMMAND"]];then KAFKA_BROKER_ID=$(eval"$BROKER_ID_COMMAND") ...
Kafka-Server-start.sh 代码语言:shell 复制 if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then # 提示命令使用方法 echo "USAGE: $0 [-daemon] server.properties [--override property=value]*" exit 1 fi base_dir=$(dirname $0) if [ "x$KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS" = "x" ]; then export KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS="-Dlog4j.configura...
Apache Kafka Kafka Connect with the MongoDB Kafka Connector installed Apache Zookeeper which manages the configuration for Apache Kafka To start the sandbox run the following command from the tutorial directory: docker compose -p mongo-kafka up -d --force-recreate ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于docker start error的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及docker start error问答内容。更多docker start error相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
Apache Kafka Kafka Connect with the MongoDB Kafka Connector installed Apache Zookeeper which manages the configuration for Apache Kafka To start the sandbox run the following command from the tutorial directory: docker compose -p mongo-kafka up -d --force-recreate When you start the sandbox, Do...
","_links":{"guide":{"href":"https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-stream-samples/tree/master/kafka-streams-samples","title":"Samples for using Apache Kafka Streams with Spring Cloud stream"},"reference":[{"href":"https://docs.spring.io/spring-kafka/docs/current/reference/html/...