Apache Kafka broker version: Client configuration:{...} Operating system: docker Provide client logs (with'debug': '..'as necessary) Provide broker log excerpts Critical issue pranavrthaddedenhancementHIGHinstallationlabelsJan 11, 2023 OneCricketeermentioned this issueFeb 9, 2023 ...
执行docker ps,找到kafka的CONTAINER ID,进入容器内部: plaintext 1 docker exec -it ${CONTAINER ID} /bin/bash 进入kafka默认目录 plaintext 1 cd opt/kafka_2.11- 创建一个主题: plaintext 1 2 bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1...
Quarkus requires Java to be installed on your machine for it to run. To install Java on your machine, get the Red Hat build of OpenJDK fromhere. Choose your Operating System for installation instructions RHELWindowsmacOSOther Linux 2. Create the Getting Started application ...
centos: Install libcurl for oauth on rdkafka … 2008d5d debian: Install libcurl4-openssl-dev for oauth on rdkafka … 64b1cb2 raspbian: Install libcurl4-openssl-dev for oauth on rdkafka … 9a36762 ubuntu: Install libcurl4-openssl-dev for oauth on rdkafka … cd53b59 dockerfiles...
To install Docker on macOS, you need to download and install Docker Desktop for Mac. You can do this by following these steps: Go to the Docker website: https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop Click the “Download for Mac” button to download the latest version of Docker Desktop ...
The deployment file in this example utilizes thejenkins/jenkins:ltsDocker image and createsone replicathat will be exposed onport8080. ThevolumeMountssection of the file mounts the persistent volume created in the previous step. ThelivenessProbeandreadinessProbesections declare probes that restart failed...
Install docker desktop for Mac. Minikube Use the version of k8s that the stable version of helm can use. Install minikube brew cask install minikube Install hyperkit brew install hyperkit Run minikube that is compatible with the last stable helm relesae running on hyperkit minikube start --ku...
成功解决DockerDesktop requiresWindows10Pro or Enterprise version 15063 to run.解决问题DockerDesktop requiresWindows10Pro or Enterprise version 15063 to run.解决方法 GetDockerDesktop forWindows 智能推荐 The Windows Subsystem for Linux optional component is not enabled. Please enable it and try again. ...
CDH 5.8 Install with QuickStarts Docker Zookeeper & Kafka Install Zookeeper & Kafka - single node single broker Zookeeper & Kafka - Single node and multiple brokers OLTP vs OLAP Apache Hadoop Tutorial I with CDH - Overview Apache Hadoop Tutorial II with CDH - MapReduce Word Count ...
$ bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server_2.properties Note that we already have one broker that's running (broker.id=0, port=9092, log.dir=/tmp/kafka-logs). Creating a Kafka topic We can create topics on the Kafka server. Here, we'll create a topic named "replica-kafkatopic" with...