为了确保持续获得支持和更新,建议用户从 AzureRM 迁移到 Az PowerShell 模块。 尽管AzureRM 模块仍可运行,但不再受到维护或支持,任何继续使用的行为都由用户自行决定并自行承担风险。 有关过渡到 Az 模块的指导,请参阅我们的迁移资源。 语法 PowerShell 复制 Start-AzureRmVM [-Name] <String> [-ResourceGroup...
With PowerShell it is fast and convenient to manage my development and test servers running on Windows Azure. It is just easier to use command line tools than logging into the Azure management portal shutting down each VM. Read more.
function stopvm($azurecloud,$vmname) { if ($vmname -eq $null) { Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $azurecloud |Foreach-object {Stop-AzureVM -ServiceName $_.ServiceName -Name $_.Name -Force} } else { Stop-AzureVM -ServiceName $azurecloud -Name $vmname } } functio...
PowerShell Start-AzVM[-NoWait] [-Id] <String> [-AsJob] [-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] 说明 Start-AzVMcmdlet 启动 Azure 虚拟机。 示例 示例1:启动虚拟机 PowerShell Start-AzVM-ResourceGroupName"ResourceGroup11"-Name"VirtualMachine07" ...
Hello! Hope you all are doing great. Currently, we are encountering a challenge in our Azure environment with a need to transition from deprecated...
在其他应用程序(如 PowerShell Azure Functions)中托管 PowerShell 时,不支持使用Start-Job创建进程外后台作业。 这是设计使然,因为Start-Job依赖于$PSHOME下可用的pwsh可执行文件来启动进程外后台作业,但是当应用程序托管 PowerShell 时,它直接使用 PowerShell NuGet SDK 包,并且不会附带pwsh。
在其他应用程序(如 PowerShell Azure Functions)中托管 PowerShell 时,不支持使用Start-Job创建进程外后台作业。 这是设计使然,因为Start-Job依赖于$PSHOME下可用的pwsh可执行文件来启动进程外后台作业,但是当应用程序托管 PowerShell 时,它直接使用 PowerShell NuGet SDK 包,并且不会附带pwsh。
I need to perform a build in a pipeline however my build agent is on a Azure VM. Here my question after a tiny resume… How to find a solution to start this VM?!? I’ve all scripts needed to do it with PowerShell, all instructions work well when executed from my computer, but ...
Technically you don’t have to start here: you could kick things off by starting the Windows Azure Active Directory management shell or the SharePoint Online management shell instead. But we’re going to start completely from scratch, which means running “plain old” Windows PowerShell as an ...
- 其他PowerShell scripts (比如安装其他第三方的组件,如Crystal Report) 为什么我们需要Startup Task呢? 我们知道,Windows Azure VM是非持久性的。在某些异常情况下(比如断电,硬件故障等),某个正常工作的Azure VM会宕机而无法正常使用。后台的Windows Azure Fabric Controller会自动把该VM上的Azure Apps迁移到同一数据...