要使用 PowerShell 命令创建新的 Azure 虚拟机 (VM),可将本地安装的 Windows PowerShell 与 Az 模块配合使用,也可以使用 Azure 门户中提供的 Cloud Shell 环境。 如果选择使用本地安装的 PowerShell,建议使用 Windows PowerShell 7.1。 还应安装 Az 模块,以获得与 Azure 相关的...
Azure PowerShell Invoke-AzVMRunCommand-ResourceGroupName'myResourceGroup'-VMName'myVM'-CommandId'RunPowerShellScript'-ScriptString'Install-WindowsFeature -Name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools' 此-ScriptString参数需要模块的版本4.27.0Az.Compute或更高版本。
如果使用的是 Windows 计算机,请打开 PowerShell 提示符。 根据提示符,打开与虚拟机的 SSH 连接。 将 IP 地址替换为 VM 中的 IP 地址,并将 .pem 的路径替换为密钥文件的下载路径。控制台 复制 ssh -i ~/Downloads/myKey.pem azureuser@ 提示 下次在 Azure 中创建 VM 时,可以使用此次创建...
Azure PowerShell 复制 $vm = Get-AzVM -Name <vm-name> -ResourceGroupName <resource-group-name> $vm 变量的内容是可以与之交互的对象。 例如,可以对此对象进行更改,然后使用 Update-AzVM 命令将更改推送到 Azure:Azure PowerShell 复制 $resourceGroupName = '<resource-group-name>' $...
Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $VmName -Name $VmName -Verbose | Add-AzureDataDisk -CreateNew -DiskSizeInGB 10 -DiskLabel "main" -LUN 1 -Verbose | Update-AzureVM -Verbose } Conclusion Reference http://sqlblog.com/blogs/marco_russo/archive/2013/10/29/powershell-script-to-deploy-multiple-vm-on...
Step 4: Configure the VM settings Once Hyper-V has been enabled and the Windows 11 image has been downloaded, the next step is to set up the VM. This can be done in PowerShell via the following steps: \n FindPowerShellin the Windows 11 search bo...
When the PowerShell script execution end a VM reboot is required. Next you must download from the Azure Blob storage, in "script" container: 1. ca.crt: Certification Authority (CA) certificate 2. client.crt: Client certificate 3. client.key: Client private key 4. client.ovpn: Client confi...
(ClientId, ClientKey));\n # if you get an error about PowerShell not being able to find this method with 2 parameters, it means there is another version of ADAL DLL already in the process space of your PowerShell environment.\n\n $authResult = $authContext...
Retrieve Azure Resource Manager virtual machine properties by using PowerShell I’ve got most of that virtual machine (VM) assembled, but I was having quite a time trying to pull together the operating system image with PowerShell. Nudge me in the right direction, could you?
in previous post “Azure Powershell Part 1” we setup and establish a connection to Azure through Powershell, now we try to create a new VM in Azure after we established the connection and entered relevant subscription information my your session you will be able to run from here ...