Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson form the titular cop team in Todd 'Road Trip' Phillips' rambunctious remake of the 70s TV smash. 'Hutch' Wilson generously allows Stiller's Starsky centre stage but makes a perfect foil as they strive to take down Vince Vaughn's drug baron. Will Ferrell's unc...
Starsky & Hutch: Creato da William Blinn. Con David Soul, Paul Michael Glaser, Antonio Fargas, Bernie Hamilton. Due poliziotti di strada arrestano i criminali con la loro Ford Gran Torino rossa e bianca, con l'aiuto di Huggy Bear (Antonio Fargas), inform
Starsky & Hutch: Directed by Todd Phillips. With Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Snoop Dogg, Fred Williamson. Two streetwise cops bust criminals in their red and white Ford Gran Torino, with the help of a police snitch called "Huggy Bear".
Starsky & Hutchappears in an aspect ratio of approximately2.35:1on this Blu-ray Disc. This turned into a surprisingly erratic affair. Sharpness became the main culprit, as definition could veer toward the soft side of the street. While much of the film showed nice delineation, more than a ...
"Starsky and Hutch"演职人员有大卫·索尔、Paul Michael Glaser、Bernie Hamilton、Antonio Fargas、Justin O'Neill、Marki Bey、达维尔·泽维林、Charlie Picerni、Bobbie Mitchell、Peter MacLean、Richard Lynch、Roger E. Mosley、Charles Hicks、Dave
Starsky: I bring a thermos. Huggy Bear: Hutch, you'll have the usual? Hutch: You know it and make it a double. Huggy Bear: Leon, get my a man a jack and tab. And double that. Leon: You got it boss. Starsky: Hey, I'll get a seltzer with a little lime if you got it. Hu...
Reviews the motion picture "Starsky & Hutch," starring Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson and Snoop Dogg.Flanagan, Sylvia PJet
The film’s director isTodd Phillipsof “Road Trip” and “Old School.” I was not a big fan of either movie, but they both contained real laughs, and now in “Starsky & Hutch,” he reaches critical mass. Will the movie inspire me to watch reruns of the original series? No. I wan...
Starsky & Hutchis a 2004 American crime comedy film. The film is an adaptation of the original television series of the same name from the 1970s, and centers on two cops who work for the Bay City Police Department. The font used for the film title in the poster is very similar toLegot...
Starsky & Hutch: Todd Phillips द्वारा निर्देशित. Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Snoop Dogg, Fred Williamson के साथ. दो सड़कवार पुलिस "हग्गी