Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson form the titular cop team in Todd 'Road Trip' Phillips' rambunctious remake of the 70s TV smash. 'Hutch' Wilson generously allows Stiller's Starsky centre stage but makes a perfect foil as they strive to take down Vince Vaughn's drug baron. Will Ferrell's unc...
Reviews the motion picture "Starsky & Hutch," starring Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson and Snoop Dogg.Flanagan, Sylvia PJet
Starsky & Hutch: Regia di Todd Phillips. Con Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Snoop Dogg, Fred Williamson. Due poliziotti furbi arrestano i criminali nella loro Ford Gran Torino rossa e bianca, con l'aiuto di un informatore della polizia chiamato "Huggy Bear".
Starsky & Hutch: Directed by Todd Phillips. With Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Snoop Dogg, Fred Williamson. Two streetwise cops bust criminals in their red and white Ford Gran Torino, with the help of a police snitch called "Huggy Bear".
Starsky & Hutchappears in an aspect ratio of approximately2.35:1on this Blu-ray Disc. This turned into a surprisingly erratic affair. Sharpness became the main culprit, as definition could veer toward the soft side of the street. While much of the film showed nice delineation, more than a ...
Starsky & Hutch screenshots:Released nearly 30 years after the debut of the television series that inspired it (and several months before the 2004 feature film remake), Starsky & Hutch is a mission-based driving game featuring the edgy, undercover cop duo and their trademark red and white Gra...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "Play It Again! Classic TV & Film; Starsky & Hutch (1975-1979)" - Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England), July 31, 2011Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)
Read the full-text online article and more details about "FILM: REACHING FOR THE STARSKYS; BEN STILLER ON HIS CHILDHOOD DREAM TO MAKE STARSKY & HUTCH. by DAVID MATTHEWS" - The Mirror (London, England), March 12, 2004The Mirror (London, England)...
Christopher J. Ewing
Bob Strauss\\ Film Critic