Weapon Modifiers These IDs are for all player-accesible Weapon Modifiers in Starfield. The command syntax is: <REFERENCE ID>.amod <ID> While the latter <ID> is selected from the table below, the <REFERENCE ID> must be determined in-game. Begin by dropping the weapon you wish to mod, ...
Weapon Item IDs The following areweapon item IDs. Item IDs arefirst— followed by thename of the item. Item IDs are used for the console codeplayer.additem [ItemID] [###]. Replace [itemID] and brackets with the codes listed below. 002BF65B AA-99 0026D965 Arc Welder 0026D964 ...
Pretty much every item you find in Starfield has a specific Item ID tied to it. That makes it easier to identify them while writing console commands and cheat codes. You can use the item ID in tandem with a command and do tons of exciting stuff. For example, you can pick a weapon an...
additem (Item ID) (Value) Adds Items – Adds the item of the code you input to your inventory (item codes listed below). (Ref ID).amod (OMOD ID) Attach Weapon Mods – Same as the item command, only will attach the selected mod to your gun. (Ref ID).rmod (OMOD ID) Remove ...
(Ref ID).rmod (OMOD ID)Remove Attached Weapon Mod - Specified weapon mods will be removed from your reference weapon. An item's Reference ID can be obtained while in the Command Console and clicking on any items dropped on the ground to reveal their Reference ID. ...
Although the bloom of your weapon may appear similar when standing and shooting, it takes longer to recover compared to crouching. By crouching, you can minimize the time needed to reach maximum accuracy between shots, ultimately leading to increased damage output. Since bloom is primarily an issu...
An item's Reference ID can be obtained while in the Command Console(~) and using your mouse to click on the item dropped on the ground to reveal their Reference ID(It will look like this in the console 'WEAP " (FF01E117). Example command: FF01E117.amod 000FF442 (referen...
Starfield gives you access to over 250+ console commands and cheat codes to try and bend the rules in whichever direction you like. Some of them are fun and make up for a good, while others are more focused on the enthusiasts who like to dig deeper into how things work behind the scene...
Open the console and click on the armor to get its reference ID. It can be tricky to find the right place to click. Use the command [weapon reference ID].amod [mod ID] to add a mod, referencing the mod IDs below. The same command with "rmod" will remove a mod. These are kind...
Bethesda games have had a long history of excellent cheats built right into the games on PC via console commands. I remember completing my playthrough ofSkyrimand going you know what, I’m going to mess around now. I then used the console commands to make myself the best bow and set of...