You can use the item ID in tandem with a command and do tons of exciting stuff. For example, you can pick a weapon and spawn hundreds of them in front of you using that weapon’s ID and a simple cheat code. The realm of console commands in Starfield is a whole other world and is...
player.addperk (技能 ID)物理技能技能名称:拳击(Boxing)代码:002C59DF技能名称:体能(Fitness)代码:002CE2DD技能名称:潜行(Stealth)代码:002CFCB2技能名称:举重(Weight Lifting)代码:002C59D9技能名称:健康(Wellness)代码:002CE2E1技能名称:能量武器耗散(Energy Weapon Dissipation)代码:002C59E2技能名称:环境适应(...
Want to try Perks in commands and cheats but don't know the IDs. Here is a list that covers every Perk ID in Starfield.
.amod 000FFA3D Titanium Build - Make this weapon light as a feather. #Shipyard parts Instructions: Go to a Ship Services Technician Open console (~) Click on the NPC to see the reference ID Enter any of these codes into the console while Ref ID is up Go into ship builder a...
Weapon Item IDs The following areweapon item IDs. Item IDs arefirst— followed by thename of the item. Item IDs are used for the console codeplayer.additem [ItemID] [###]. Replace [itemID] and brackets with the codes listed below. ...
[ref id].rmod [omod id]Removes the specified weapon mods from your weapon. timImmortal Mode. You can take damage but your health will never hit 0. psbUnlocks all 24powers. unlockUnlocks the targeted door or container. sexchangeChanges your character's gender to the opposite sex. ...
WeaponIDCommand AA-99 002BF65B player.additem 002BF65B 1 Arc Welder 0026D965 player.additem 0026D965 1 AutoRivet 0026D964 player.additem 0026D964 1 Barrow Knife 0026F181 player.additem 0026F181 1 Beowulf 0004716C player.additem 0004716C 1 Big Bang 0026D963 player.additem 0026D963 1 Breach...
When upgrading ships look at weapon stats- Some weapons damage both shields and hulls. Heal your ship in mid-combat using Ship Parts- They'll heal 40% of your hull HP over 10 seconds. But they're very heavy, so make sure they're kept in your ship cargo hold rather than your personal...
List of Weapon Item Codes for Console Commands Below is a comprehensive compilation of weapon item codes that can be utilized with console commands to obtain specific items. To spawn these weapons using the player.Placeatme command, follow this format: ...
additem (Item ID) (Value) Adds Items – Adds the item of the code you input to your inventory (item codes listed below). (Ref ID).amod (OMOD ID) Attach Weapon Mods – Same as the item command, only will attach the selected mod to your gun. (Ref ID).rmod (OMOD ID) Remove ...