7、player.setlevel [] 升级 如player.setlevel 100就是将玩家等级设置为100(数字可以改成想要的任意等级,例如等级210就是player.setlevel 210,注意等级只能升不能降) 8、player.setav health [] 设血量 9、sexchange 恢复人物默认外观"https://img.orangesgame.com/img2023//9/7/9//2023979283181088.jpg" />...
-j, --output-json-file Write JSON output to file [default: False] -r, --output-raw-file Write raw output to file [default: False] -c, --change-file Experimental: Writes the modified save file [default: False] --version Show version information -?, -h, --help Show help and usage...
You have your physical appearance done, your background and optional traits selected, so all that’s left to finish up and begin your journey is naming your character and selecting your pronouns if you need to change them. Your character’s default name is Player and you will have to enter...
Dark Mode for Terminalsdoes exactly what its name suggests. It provides a darker terminal theme and it also makes the terminal startup less bright. We think it looks great and it certainly provides a nice change from all of the bright white backgrounds you get at the game’s kiosks. ...
(DEBUG: Jump Hadrian, Player and Marcus inside Dis) 9 (DEBUG: Jump to Oktai) 11 (DEBUG: Get the player set up to listen to the intercom scene in the Deep Mines) 19 (DEBUG: Set by all debug stages) 40 (P4: Change name of deep mines) ...
showlooksmenu player 1 Opens the full character creator. showlooksmenu player 2 Opens partial character creator (traits and background remain intact). sexchange Change your character's body type and returns character to a default look. player.addperk [perk ID] Adds a skill, trait, or backgroun...
Change color/previous category 0 Repair object/next category 0 Toggle view 0 Switch view 0 Left 0 Right 0 Snapshot 0 Exit 0 Reset Settings -1 Toggle UI 0 Next Mode 0 Move camera up 0 Move camera down 0 Previous category 0 Next category ...
“Allow all”. If you do not agree with us using any cookies and related technologies except the strictly necessary, click “Reject all”. Click “Settings” to review and change your preferences.You can manage your choices at any time by clicking the ‘Cookie Declaration’ button in the ...
However, I'm only able to see the change in-game when I replace one of the hardcoded plugins (e.g. OldMars.esm with my plugin. Enabling the TestData.esm plugin might also work, but I don't think that approach would really tell me anything new. I also haven't been able to create...
6、player.setav carryweight [#] 改负重 如player.setav carryweight 99999 7、player.setlevel [#] 升级 如player.setlevel 100就是将玩家等级设置为100(数字可以改成想要的任意等级,例如等级210就是player.setlevel 210,注意等级只能升不能降) 8、player.setav health [#] 设血量 9、sexchange 恢复人物默认外观?