How to change your ship’s name inStarfield Step 1:To rename your ship inStarfield, visit a Ship Services Technicianand interact with them. You can find these in any major Starport or settlement near the Trade Authority Kiosk. Step 2:Ask toview or modify your ships ...
Of course, you can change the alliance in the middle of the game. But that may make things critical. So, as a beginner, not picking a side will be a consequential mistake on Starfield that you should avoid. Besides these common ones, gamers also tend to make the following mistakes in S...
You have your physical appearance done, your background and optional traits selected, so all that’s left to finish up and begin your journey is naming your character and selecting your pronouns if you need to change them. Your character’s default name is Player and you will have to enter...
sexchangeChange Character Gender – Changes your Character’s gender to the opposite sex. showmenu sleepwaitmenuShow Sleep / Wait Menu – Quickly access the wait menu, allowing you to adjust time on the fly. Player Commands player.setlevel (Value)Increase Character Level – Increases your charac...
SexChange - Changes sex of character tai - Toggles AI on/off tcl - Toggle collisions (noclip mode) tfc - Toggle free cam for free-floating views tmm 1 - Shows all markers on a planet kill - Kills specific selection KillQuestUpdates (KQU) - Removes all quest updates from UI,...
5. You will now enter Starfield's original character creator screen on a random preset. Go back to the first one to find your character, or choose a new one. You can also select a new background and new traits* from here (if you don't want to change them, reselect the items you ...
Please update to the latest version which is and share with us if the exact same random crashes persist in the game or if there is any change in the previous behavior. Best Regards, Hugo O. Intel Customer Support Technician. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply Hugo_Intel ...
showlooksmenu player 1 Opens the full character creator. showlooksmenu player 2 Opens partial character creator (traits and background remain intact). sexchange Change your character's body type and returns character to a default look. player.addperk [perk ID] Adds a skill, trait, or backgroun...
The only thing that Starfield has taught me is that Emil Pagliarulo is Chat GBT's #1 customer and would not have a job if it wasn't for generative AI. Don't expect the Elder Scrolls 6 to be a good unless Bethesda makes a major change in direction. If anything, Starfield is reflective...
debugdataproviderSet the name of the UI Data Provider we want to debug. loadall3dLoad all queued 3D. printallmenus [pam]Print all active menus. printallinputcontext [paic]Print the input context stack. addplottobody [addplot]Plot a route to this body. ...