amod 0028F444 武器 改进型 n网搜console command cheat,有全指令代码。无限叠加武器伤害/装备护甲确实可以做到,但是我还没研究透,等我有时间了再来更新下正确的方法。 暂时有两个代码可以对装备无限提升护甲,这两个是我测试的可以使用的 amod 3af7e,amod 3af82,输入一次护甲提高2-4点 武器伤害叠加: 2级(校...
use the console commandplayer.addspell [Spell ID]. To upgrade powers, use theplayer.addperk [Perk ID]— each Power has aSpell IDand aPerk ID. We’ll separate them below so you can easily unlock and then upgrade all powers.
SetGameSetting fEquippedArmorChanceToDrop 1.0 神殿技能,解锁所有指令(所有Z技能全部解锁 1级):psb解锁能力指令:player.addspell空格代码升级能力指令:player.addperk空格下面代码第二个切第三人称鼠标点到自己 全部指令(第一个代码是是获取、第二个是升级)名称-能力ID-Perk-ID异种复生-2C538F-25E19D反重力场-2...
console commands in to one place. Players may discover more commands in the weeks to come, but for now we have a pretty impressive table of console commands to use if you wish to do so. Simply head in-game inStarfield, andpress the ~ key and you’ll bring up the command console. ...
Use the player.addperk [id] console command to add one level to a skill. Use player.removeperk [id] to remove the skill entirely. The skill IDs are: Physical skill IDs SkillIDCommand Boxing 002C59DF player.addperk 002C59DF Fitness 002CE2DD player.addperk 002CE2DD Stealth 002CFCB2 pla...
The command formats are: player.addperk (Skill, Background or Trait ID) player.removeperk (Skill, Background or Trait ID) As an example, to add or remove the Beast Hunter background: player.addperk 0022EC76 player.removeperk 0022EC76 #PHYSICAL SKILLSID 1 Boxing 002C59DF 2 Cellular ...
Console commands let you take full control of Starfield without downloading any mods. To use them, like cheats, you need to know all the right codes to enter.
If you’re playing Starfield on PC, you can use console commands to add items, toggle god mode, and more. Our guide lists out the most useful Starfield cheats.
Console Command tips Commands often contain multiple words without spaces For true/false commands1 = on, 0 = off Some commands toggle on/off (tcl, tgm, etc) player commands are typically separated with a period (.) You can copy/paste text, but not cut. Hold SHIFT and use the...
Players can’t use “Starfield” commands and cheats on an Xbox because it lacks a command console. However, if you’ve got the game on a PC, you can activate the prompts via the computer. Load the save on your gaming console to enable you to use the cheats that you had activated on...