amod 0028F444 武器 改进型 n网搜console command cheat,有全指令代码。无限叠加武器伤害/装备护甲确实可以做到,但是我还没研究透,等我有时间了再来更新下正确的方法。 暂时有两个代码可以对装备无限提升护甲,这两个是我测试的可以使用的 amod 3af7e,amod 3af82,输入一次护甲提高2-4点 武器伤害叠加: 2级(校...
If you’re playing Starfield on PC, you can use console commands to add items, toggle god mode, and more. Our guide lists out the most useful Starfield cheats.
amod 0003AF7D 护甲 卓越型amod 0028F444 武器 改进型 n网搜console command cheat,有全指令代码。无限叠加武器伤害/装备护甲确实可以做到,但是我还没研究透,等我有时间了再来更新下正确的方法。暂时有两个代码可以对装备无限提升护甲,这两个是我测试的可以使用的:amod 3af7e,amod 3af82,输入一次护甲提高2-4...
把代码写进txt然后放在根目录,用bat执行应该也行 StarfieldCustom.ini的[General]里加上sStartingConsoleCommand=bat *** 貌似可以每次打开游戏自动执行这个***.txt的语句,就不用手动执行了 25034 starfield吧 呜呜呜呜呜伯 星空的控制台代码是改了吗?任务卡住了用sqt找任务代码 然后sqs的时候就根本找不到了 ...
Powersare special abilities you will gain by visitingtemplesduring the Main story path. To unlock them instantly, use the console commandplayer.addspell [Spell ID]. To upgrade powers, use theplayer.addperk [Perk ID]— each Power has aSpell IDand aPerk ID. We’ll separate them below ...
Using the Help function, I can type "help akilacity" to see a list of different types of commands, references, strings, etc. related to Akila City. We're looking for a cell to serve as the destination for our coc command. You can type 4 at the end to let the console kno...
While in the game, open the console command by pressing the tilde (~) or @. To remove a skill, enter “player.removeperk (Perk ID).” To add a skill, enter “player.addperk (Perk ID).” Remember that once you activate this console cheat, it will deactivate any possible achievements...
Use the player.addperk [id] console command to add one level to a skill. Use player.removeperk [id] to remove the skill entirely. The skill IDs are: Physical skill IDs SkillIDCommand Boxing 002C59DF player.addperk 002C59DF Fitness 002CE2DD player.addperk 002CE2DD Stealth 002CFCB2 pla...
Console CommandDescription tgmGod Mode. Makes you invincible and gives you unlimited ammo. player.additem f [value]Infinite money. player.additem a [value]Infinite Digipicks. player.setav carryweight 999999Infinite Carry Capacity. player.additem [item id] [value]Spawns the specified item in your in...
Using Starfield Console Commands on Xbox Players can’t use “Starfield” commands and cheats on an Xbox because it lacks a command console. However, if you’ve got the game on a PC, you can activate the prompts via the computer. Load the save on your gaming console to enable you to ...