Fruit Trees require 28 days to mature, after which they produce one fruit per day when in season. Fruit can accumulate up to three days before harvesting. Fruit trees do not need to be watered, and will not die in the winter. Fruit saplings will grow during any season, allowing players...
果树(Fruit Trees)需要28天才能成熟,之后在相应的季节内每天会产出一个水果。如果玩家不收获的话,每天多出一个,树上最多能挂3个水果。水果树不需要浇水,冬季也不会冻死。果树幼苗在任何季节都可以生长,玩家可以在果实成熟的季节到来之前做好准备。 种植果树需要一块3x3的地块,而且必须保证地块内没有障碍物,否则...
如果需要查看果树,可以查看果树(Fruit Trees) 树木成长通常需要10-12天(注意:这里的树木冬天都不会成长)。在此之后,树木可以用作树脂或者使用斧头砍伐变成木头,同时有几率获得种子。木桩将会一直存在,直到使用斧头砍伐,同时掉落少量的木头。 普通树木 在星露谷中有枫树、橡树和松树三种普通的树。 树木成长通常需要10-1...
创建地图时生成一棵树。其中: <type>取wild(生成野树)或 fruit(生成果树)。 <ID>为树在Data/FruitTrees或Data/WildTrees中的索引。 [stage on spawn]设置首次将树添加到地图时的生长阶段(若可用)。 [stage on regrow]设置重新生成树木时的生长阶段(若可用)。 此地块在Paths地块表中的索引必须为34。 TouchA...
Trees Main article:Trees Apart fromFruit Trees, there are 3 types ofcommon treesthat grow in Stardew Valley:Maple Trees,Oak Trees, andPine Trees. Note: Seeds will not drop untilForaging SkillLevel 1 is acquired. Tree seedlings that have not yet grown beyond their first stage will drop nothin...
Adds Fruit trees that produce artisan goods! Share Requirements Permissions and credits Changelogs ARTISAN TREES:Features:- Adds Cheese, Goat cheese, Cloth and Truffle oil trees.- New vendor at the beach, who sells them.- ALL PRODUCTS GO UP IN QUALITY AFTER 1 YEAR AS WELL!Coming Soon...
Italian Japanese Polish View more... About this mod Grow crops & fruit trees in any season and location, including on grass/dirt tiles you normally couldn't till. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Translations Portuguese Donations
Stardew Valley Expanded Wiki Quests Lance's monster crop quest. Bridge Magic Quest History 1.14 Added. Items ArtifactsAmber•Boomerang•Faded Button•Fossilized Apple•Galdoran Gem•Old Coin•Rusty Shield•Stone of Yoba ConsumablesAged Blue Moon Wine•Blue Moon Wine•Dewdrop Berry•Green...
The only reason to pick the fruit is if you want it so that you can gift them, since they're technically free and almost always liked by the residents of Stardew Valley. Overall the mushrooms are more useful, at least in my eyes. You know the pros and cons, so make your pick!
Fill up your farm with the succulent, tasty ancient fruit in Stardew Valley. Here's how to go about doing it!