Ancient Fruit 千万年来冬眠中的水果。 信息 种子上古种子 成熟需28 天 季节春季•夏季•秋季 经验值38耕种经验值 能量不可食用 售出价格 基础售价农耕人(+10%) 550 687 825 1,100 605 755 907 1,210 制成品售出价格 基础售价工匠(+40%) ...
千万年来冬眠中的水果。 信息 种子上古种子 成长时间28 天 季节 春季 夏季 秋季 来源种植 售价 基础售价 550g 687g 825g 农夫专精售价 (+10%) 605g 756g 907g 上古水果(Ancient Fruit)是游戏“星露谷物语”里的一种农作物,由上古种子经过28天后长成,每7天结一次果。
Below is a list of Fruits from the game, where to obtain them and how much they sell for when processed into Jelly using the Preserves Jar, into Wine using the Keg, or into Dried Fruit using the Dehydrator. Note that five matching Fruits are required to
It can be planted only during its designated season, and when seasons change (after the 28th day), the crop will wither and die. Multi-season crops (i.e., Ancient Fruit, Coffee Bean, Corn, Sunflower, and Wheat), however, will continue to grow during all specified seasons. ...
, ["Ancient Fruit Wine"] = "请适度饮酒。", ["Ancient Fruit Jelly"] = "黏糊糊的。", ["Dried Ancient Fruit"] = "用上古水果制成的果干,有嚼劲。", ["Algae Soup"] = "有些粘稠。", ["Pale Broth"] = "带有一点黄色的精致清汤。", ["Bouquet"] = "一件能够充分展示你浪漫情怀的礼物...
The Ancient Seed is an Artifact that can be found by digging up an Artifact Spot in Cindersap Forest or The Mountain (including the Quarry), or obtained inside Artifact Troves, or Fishing Treasure Chests after reaching Fishing level 2. It can be dropped
Farming is the skill associated with planting, growing, and harvesting crops on the farm, and also the care of farm animals. It's one of the main income sources for the game, and provides most of the ingredients for cooking.
Ancient Fruit Fruit Iridium 1100 1150 50 0.013 21 Apple Fruit Regular 100 250 150 0.038 61 Apple Fruit Silver 125 250 125 0.031 50 Apple Fruit Gold 150 250 100 0.025 40 Apple Fruit Iridium 200 250 50 0.013 21 Apricot Fruit Regular 50 150 100 0.025 40 Apricot Fruit Silver 62 15...
Ancient Seeds are seeds found in Stardew Valley. They can be received by donating an Ancient Seed artifact to the museum or randomly from a seed maker. Doing so will also reward you with the Ancient Seeds crafting recipe. Planting Ancient Seeds will caus
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