WIKI功能 阅读 查看源代码 查看历史 浏览属性 页面贡献者 阅读: 更新日期:2025-02-02 最新编辑:Time_Task 页面贡献者 : 上古水果 Ancient Fruit 千万年来冬眠中的水果。 信息 种子上古种子 成熟需28 天 季节春季•夏季•秋季 经验值38耕种经验值 ...
千万年来冬眠中的水果。 信息 种子上古种子 成长时间28 天 季节 春季 夏季 秋季 来源种植 售价 基础售价 550g 687g 825g 农夫专精售价 (+10%) 605g 756g 907g 上古水果(Ancient Fruit)是游戏“星露谷物语”里的一种农作物,由上古种子经过28天后长成,每7天结一次果。
Ancient Fruit Farming Spring Summer Fall Inedible 550g 687g 825g 1,100g 605g 755g 907g 1,210g 1,650g 2,062g 2,475g 3,300g 1,150g 4,150g 2,310g 2,886g 3,465g 4,620g 1,610g 5,810g Apple Apple Tree Farm Cave (fruit bat option) Fall 38 17 53 23 68 30...
It can be planted only during its designated season, and when seasons change (after the 28th day), the crop will wither and die. Multi-season crops (i.e., Ancient Fruit, Coffee Bean, Corn, Sunflower, and Wheat), however, will continue to grow during all specified seasons. ...
Ancient Seeds are seeds found inStardew Valley. They can be received by donating anAncient Seedartifact to the museum or randomly from a seed maker. Doing so will also reward you with the Ancient Seeds crafting recipe. Planting Ancient Seeds will cause anAncient Fruitto eventually sprout. Althou...
返回至“Ancient Fruit seeds”。星露谷1.6版本发布,点击查看更新日志。 本站点内容全部基于官方维基和游戏资料制作,基于CC BY-NC-SA 3.0协议分享,严禁抄袭,转载需注明来源。 我们反对任何破解和盗版行为,请前往steam商店或WeGame商店购买正版支持原作者的辛勤劳动。用户...
WIKI功能 阅读: 更新日期:2025-02-02 最新编辑:Time_Task跳到导航 跳到搜索 页面贡献者 : 原声带 CD 的封面由 Kari Fry 创作星露谷物语的游戏原声由ConcernedApe 创作。电子版本可在 Steam 平台购买,实体版本于官方商店有售。此外,ConcernedApe 也将游戏原声的授权分发给了多个音乐流媒体平台。
CropsButternut Squash•Cucumber•Gold Carrot•Ancient Fiber•Joja Berry•Joja Veggie•Monster Fruit•Monster Mushroom•Salal Berry•Slime Berry•Void Root ForageBearberry•Big Conch•Dewdrop Berry•Dried Sand Dollar•Ferngill Primrose•Four Leaf Clover•Golden Ocean Flower•Goldenro...
Ancient Fruit: [454]Spangle Seeds: [455]Algae Soup: [456] Pale Broth: [457]Bouquet: [458]Mead: [459] Mermaid's Pendant: [460]Decorative Pot: [461]Drum Block: [463] Flute Block: [464]Speed-Gro: [465]Deluxe Speed-Gro: [466] ...
It doesn't seem to affect the vanilla crops, only the mod crops, but not all of them. Any ideas? It's not the end of the world - this is my umpteenth playthrough and I'm not trying to 100% it right now, if anything it's kind of funny - but when 9 Ancient Flower plants ...