, ["Thunder Egg"] = "根据传说,愤怒的雷霆神灵会朝彼此扔这些石头。", ["Pyrite"] = "常被称为“蠢材的黄金”。", ["Ocean Stone"] = "古老的传说声称这些石头是远古美人鱼的镶嵌画。", ["Ghost Crystal"] = "这块水晶的附近有着冰冷的光环。", ["Tigerseye"] = "它上面的金色的条纹使这块宝石...
Egg (1) Milk (1) 100 45 N/A N/A The Queen of Sauce 28 Spring, Year 1 Stardrop Saloon for 100g 125g Pancakes A double stack of fluffy, soft pancakes. Wheat Flour (1) Egg (1) 90 40 Foraging (+2) 11m 11s The Queen of Sauce 14 Summer, Year 1 Stardrop Saloon for 100...
680: "Green Slime Egg/5/-300/Basic/Can be hatched in a slime incubator." #!String681: "Rain Totem/20/-300/Crafting/Activate to greatly increase the chance for rain tomorrow. Consumed on use." #!String682: "Mutant Carp/1000/10/Fish -4/The strange waters of the sewer turned this ...
A White, Brown, or Blue (if blue has been unlocked) Chicken can be received from incubating an egg of either type (White or Brown). A Void Chicken must be hatched from a Void Egg in an Incubator. There are three ways to obtain a Void Egg. In a random event after sleeping, a Wi...
["鸭蛋"] = "Duck Egg", ["鸭蛋黄酱"] = "Duck Mayonnaise", ["鸵鸟"] = "Ostrich", ["鸵鸟孵化器"] = "Ostrich Incubator", ["鸵鸟蛋"] = "Ostrich Egg", ["鹅卵石小径"] = "Cobblestone Path", ["鹈鹕镇"] = "Pelican Town", ["鹦鹉蛋"] = "Parrot Egg", ["鹦鹉螺"] = "Nautilus...
ProduceEggBrown EggLarge EggLarge Brown Egg See also:Golden Chicken,Void Chicken TheChickenis a farmanimalthat lives in aCoop. Chickens can be purchased atMarnie's Ranchfor800gor hatched by placing anEgginto anIncubator, taking9,000m (5d 16h 40m)to incubate, or4,500m (2d 21h 40m)with...
The Bomb is a one-time use explosive item. It damages certain items within its radius. Other items are impervious to its effects.
The Void Chicken is an animal that lives in a Big Coop. Void Chickens can be hatched by placing a Void Egg into an Incubator, taking .mw-parser-output .durationtemplate{margin:2px 5px 1px 2px;display:block;white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .durationte
Crystalarium • Deluxe Worm Bin • Furnace • Geode Crusher • Heavy Furnace • Heavy Tapper • Lightning Rod • Mushroom Log • Ostrich Incubator • Recycling Machine • Seed Maker • Slime Egg-Press • Slime Incubator • Solar Panel • Tapper • Wood Chipper • ...
(1 additional tile is blocked by a [[Slime Incubator]] at first, but this can be removed with a tool.) This leaves around 13*8 (104 tiles) of space to use for other purposes (kegs, preserves jars, etc.) while still being able to effectively house (and water) 20 slimes. <!-- ...