See also:Slime IncubatororOstrich Incubator TheIncubatoris atoolused to hatch eggs. It comes with theBig Coopand theDeluxe Coop, where it appears to the left of theHay Hopper. To use the Incubator, place an egg into it by left-clicking. An egg cannot be removed once it is placed in ...
The Egg and the Brown Egg are animal products obtained from White, Brown, or Blue Chickens. Marnie may also gift you 12 eggs at the Feast of the Winter Star. Shane sells Eggs in his shop at the Desert Festival for data-sort-value="1"> 1 Calico Egg.
避雷针Lightning Rod 收集闪电风暴能量并把它变成电池组。 史莱姆孵化器 Slime Incubator 将史莱姆蛋放进去你就可以获得一个可以养在室外的史莱姆 史莱姆打印机Slime Egg-Press 把100件史莱姆粘液成史莱姆蛋。这是科学的奇迹!
Sub-Forums:2 Latest:Help Needed: Egg Festival Issue with Shockbyte Server and iOS FriendPangaea,Feb 14, 2025 RSS Support Discussions: 6,512 Messages: 30,346 Sub-Forums:1 Latest:incubator missing :,(jeniweni,May 7, 2024 RSS Suggestions ...
, ["Slime Incubator"] = "将史莱姆蛋孵化成史莱姆。让你能够在室外饲养史莱姆。", ["Slime Egg-Press"] = "将 100 团史莱姆泥压成一个史莱姆蛋。简直是奇迹!", ["Junimo Kart Arcade System"] = "在家玩“祝尼魔赛车”!", ["Statue Of Perfection"] = "由纯铱打造而成。", ["??Pinky Lemon??
680: "Green Slime Egg/5/-300/Basic/Can be hatched in a slime incubator." #!String681: "Rain Totem/20/-300/Crafting/Activate to greatly increase the chance for rain tomorrow. Consumed on use." #!String682: "Mutant Carp/1000/10/Fish -4/The strange waters of the sewer turned this ...
You can either hatch the Void Egg via the incubator to get a Void Chicken for a steady source of Void Eggs, or just throw the egg into a mayonnaise maker to make a Void Mayonnaise. With the henchman out of the way, head into the witch's hut, grab the magic ink, and...
9. **史莱姆孵化器(Slime Incubator)**:孵化史莱姆蛋,让玩家能在户外饲养这些可爱的小生物。10. **史莱姆打印机(Slime Egg-Press)**:将史莱姆粘液制作成蛋,展现科学的奇妙之处。对于更全面的攻略,你还可以查阅:《星露谷物语》工具详解指南新手玩家发展策略推荐《星露谷物语》婚姻系统详解以上内容...
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