📁 Stardew Valley/ 📁 Mods/ 📁 YourModName/ 📁 assets/ 🗎 your-map.tmx ───┐ 🗎 .townInterior.png <──┘ .townInterior.png "mod reordered the original tilesheets"这是什么意思? 参见地块表顺序以了解更多信息。如何修复? 请确保原版的地块表顺序不变,并将新增的地块表添加z_前缀以...
There are eight different Farm Maps to choose from in Stardew Valley. Each map features a unique layout of the Farm, offering different benefits and favoring specific skills. Only one map can be chosen when starting a new game, and cannot be changed once
NPC Map Locations Notifications Mark all as read (0) No unread notifications right now You're up to date View All You're up to date guest Free plan |Upgrade info Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta...
NPC Map Locations for Android guest Free plan |Upgrade settingsAccount settings info Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta close Endorsements 60 Unique DLs 3,061 Total DLs 3,616 Total views 11,496 Version...
Though Stardew Valley has no set plot or lore, some description of the world can be found in various item descriptions, dialogue options, and Lost Books donated to the Museum.
Map Predictor Updated 4 years ago by BlaDe91 Predictor used to show how items spawn of a range of game maps, including ladders, mine crates, geode drops, crop quality, artifact spots, fishing bubbles etc. Major overhaul, previous notes deleted. Renamed to Map Predictor. Changed to link to ...
It also adds a redrawn map that shows a more accurate picture of the game's layout and how it changes with the seasons. The default map inStardew Valleyis pretty much useless once you memorize the layout, but the NPC Map Locations mod adds a layer of functionality that makes it a usefu...
There, the Farmer creates a new warp rune to the Nexus point at Enchanted Grove. 传送点:祝尼魔森林 详情 Time: Any Map: Junimo Woods Season: Any Weather: Any Extra: Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 3 event, and has completed the Community Center. Must have seen the cutscene ...
{ /*** ** Map options ***/ // minimap section "minimap.label": "Minimapa", "minimap.enabled": "Włączona", "minimap.locked": "Zablokuj pozycję minimapy", "minimap.width": "Szerokość minimapy", "minimap.height": "Długość minimapy", // immersion section "imm...
Added jack-o-lanterns after the Stardew Valley Fair in fall. Added seasonal world map variants. Added a new rare ambient critter. Added some rare summer butterfly variants. Added an uncommon little brown bird variant. Redrew the world map to better match the in-game locations and be more de...