changeLocation<location>切换到另一地点,并在那里运行余下的脚本。 changeMapTile<layer><x><y><tile index>将指定地块换为指定值。 changeName<actor><displayName>将演员的显示名称设为<displayName>,其中下划线将被替换为空格。 changePortrait<npc><portrait>将村民的头像换为"Portraits/<actor>_<portrait>"。
In Stardew Valley 1.6.9:The game now always finds map tilesheets by ID, which eliminates bugs due to mods reordering tilesheets. However, it'll still try to get it by index first in some cases (since that's faster), so you should still avoid changing the tilesheet order to avoid the ...
Stardew Valley is an open-ended game, allowing the player to achieve goals non-linearly. There are various ways to earn income and many activities to choose from including farming, fishing, foraging, mining, combat (fighting enemies), crafting, cooking, gift giving, completing quests, donating ...
guest Free plan |Upgrade settingsAccount settings info Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta close Endorsements 60 Unique DLs 3,061 Total DLs 3,616 Total views 11,496 Version 1.0.1 Download: Manual
for Stardew 1.5.6 you'll also need ExtraMapLayers and Custom NPC Exclusions Not required but additionally you can install those mods: Alecto The Witch - for special quests and NPC interactions. Stardew Valley Expanded - because it's awesome and makes the railroad map more fancy. ...
Stardew Valleyis just one of those games that can be challenging to put down once it has stuck its claws in you. Despite having three “official” conclusions, the game never truly ends, meaning you could spend the rest of your life forming connections with the citizens of Stardew. ...
, "": "Tooltip key", "config.tooltip-key.desc": "Press this button to cycle the tooltip position when on the map view.", "config.other-settings": "To change the other mod settings, open the in-game world map and press the menu key shown above." } 1 2 3...
模板:MapWIKI功能跳到导航 跳到搜索 分类: 模板 游戏中心 | 帐号安全 | 找回密码 | 家长监控 | 用户协议 抵制不良游戏 拒绝盗版游戏 注意自我保护 谨防受骗上当 适度游戏益脑 沉迷游戏伤身 合理安排时间 享受健康生活 芜湖享游网络技术有限公司 | COPYRIGHT © 2009-2025 BILIBILI ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 皖...
Unzip the mod folder into Stardew Valley/Mods. Run the game using SMAPI. NOTE:Not much is affected under the default settings, so make sure to change these to what you want! Either edit theconfig.jsonfile directly, or if you haveGeneric Mod Config Menuinstalled, open Mod Config from the...
A new DLC is set to launch at the end of the year, but apart from that, the roadmap only shows two more seasonal events. Perhaps the devs have some plans for this period, but there is no mention of it. Players are hoping for further improvements to the combat system and an onlin...