Replaces the quality stars with hearts ♡ Share Requirements Permissions and credits originally from my Pink Lolita Interface mod, but this is for those that only want the quality hearts rather than the whole interface..☆ . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆instructions:1. down...
The process of marriage in Stardew Valley 1.6 is still almost the same as with the game's previous versions, but with some extra nuances.
originally from my Pink Lolita Interface mod, but this is for those that only want the quality hearts rather than the whole interface..☆ . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆instructions:1. download and install content patcher2. download this mod3. unzip contents into stardew's mod...
Seven HeartsCranberry Sauce Recipe in the mail Related:What is the Best Farm Type in Stardew Valley? Gus Quests in Stardew Valley When playing Stardew Valley, you'll get some opportunities to aid Gus by bringing him some items. You'llreceive money, friendship points, and/or items in return...
Here’s how to trigger every heart event with Leah in Stardew Valley: At Two Hearts, pop into Leah’s cottage when she’s around. Don’t ask her to kiss you. Any other option is fine. Reach Four Hearts by visiting Leah again in her cottage, and choose your response wisely when discu...
In thisStardew Valleyguide, we will teach you everything you need to know about the new pet type, so you can learn how to adopt a turtle of your own. Step One: Reach Full Hearts With Your First Pet Stardew Valley Infinite Item Spawning Cheat ...
Related: Stardew Valley: Guide To Crab Pots In this guide, we are going to go over how to get every item that goes into your wallet. There is not a larger reward for having each item, but overall, having every item will improve your life in the valley. It's important to note that...
The player has the option of saying that they are there for Sophia or that she'll get over this soon. If the player says they are there for her, they have the option of sitting and watching an anime with her.Hearts: 7 (Part 1)详情 Time: ? Map: Sophia's House Season: Any ...
You can check your relationship progress with all the characters of Stardew Valley by heading to the Hearts Tab in the menu! From there, you can view every person you've met throughout the game, see how many hearts they've got, and whether you've given them a gift that week or not....
I was wondering if there was ever a plan to make a more desaturated version to go with many of the recolor mods? Many chest recolors only recolor the main chest and we don't get to choose different colors for that style. I would love to have cute maroon, lavender, etc. chests ...