--- 2022年5月31日 --- 作者:ezlilyy What If We Had An Unlimited Amount Of Pets In Stardew Valley? What If We Could Spawn In pets until Our Frame Rate Suffered. Well, we can! And it is AMAZING. The Video That Inspired This : https://youtu.be/EndEm1hbHm0 💜 - Twitch 💜 : ...
Clay is a valuable resource, so if you're running short, here's all the ways to get clay in Stardew Valley. Plus, all the ways to use it! Clay is widely used in Stardew Valley to create essential building materials like bricks, decorative flower pots, and even sprinklers. No matter wh...
Leah’s birthday falls in Winter 23, and her home is conveniently close to Mining’s Ranch in Stardew Valley. To step inside her cottage, you must earn at least two hearts of her affection, except during winter when you can pop in regardless of your friendship level. She’s buddies with...
How to use a Keg in Stardew Valley To use a Keg in Stardew Valley, all you need to do is place one down and walk up to it with the item you want to use in hand. Once you’re standing in front of the Keg, interact with it using the appropriate interaction button, which varies ...
1. How to Save in Stardew Valley on PC The game saves the data and progress at the end of each day. However, you can do it manually if you want, here in how to do it. Open the in-game home mode. Go to the bed and wait for the options to pop up on the screen. Click ...
If you've been playing Stardew Valley for a short amount of time, you've likely come across Slimes. They can appear in any dungeon at any time and are likely to drop Slime, which can be a pretty useful ingredient for crafting. You'd better get used to slaying them since you'll need...
Truffle Oil is a great money maker in Stardew Valley, but it’s one of the more advanced items you can craft. Truffles themselves are a rare item, and the recipe for the Oil Maker needed to produce Truffle Oil takes a while to unlock. So, it may not be clear that crafting the item...
Fill up your farm with the succulent, tasty ancient fruit in Stardew Valley. Here's how to go about doing it!
Emily is a marriage candidate in Stardew Valley whose home can be found on the southwestern side of town. Enter her home and use either the Sewing Machine or Dye Pots to begin crafting and dyeing clothes. How To Make and Dye Custom Clothes in Stardew Valley To dye clothes in Stardew Val...
How to unlock skill mastery and the Mastery Cave in Stardew Valley In order to unlock the Mastery Cave, you’ll need to reach rank 10 in each skill. Once you do, you’ll get a message that says “You sense that a new way is open…” in the morning, if you hit max and didn’t...