Farm Type Manager (FTM) is a framework that lets other mods spawn objects and monsters anywhere in the game, with various controls and customization options. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Translations Turkish Spanish Russian Portuguese ...
Stardew Valley Mods Gameplay Mechanics Farm Type Manager - Spanish Endorsements 157 Unique DLs 5,852 Total DLs 8,173 Total views 18,129 Version 1.24.0 Original File Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 02 April 20249:00AM Original upload ...
Stardew Valley lets you play however you want. If you want to ditch the farm to favor the mining, fishing, and combat professions, that’s fine. But when Grandpa comes knocking on your door to grade your farm, you better have something to make him proud. Luckily, you also have lots of...
There areseven farm typesto pick from when you start a new game inStardew Valley. These are thebest. BestStardew Valleyfarm types Forest farm The cows love stumps. Screenshot by Dot Esports Theforest farm typeis a personal favorite of mine, and the added value the forest farm provides more...
Stardew Valley player, this farm is a treat to play on. It’s flexible enough to work for a variety of styles and there are no downsides. It has almost as much space as the Standard Farm and a long list of perks. Whatever your playing style is, the Forest Farm is the best by far...
There are eight different Farm Maps to choose from in Stardew Valley. Each map features a unique layout of the Farm, offering different benefits and favoring specific skills. Only one map can be chosen when starting a new game, and cannot be changed once
Stardew Valley goes through the typical four seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, with each season having something different. Different seasons call for different types of events and activities, and on a farm, different crops. Now you may be wondering just what kind of crops can grow...
Five of our favorite Stardew Valley farm layouts Your farm is what you make it – you want trees right in the middle? Sure. Barns at the bottom? Great. Why not move your farmhouse right over the other side near the water? Go right ahead! But with such freedom, maybe you need some ...
The Farm The Farm ““You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life.” Upon completing theCharacter Creationand the initial dialogue withRobinat theBus Stop, this is the location ...