InStardew Valley, your late grandfather leaves you with a farm in a great state of disrepair, and while you can’t change the state the farm is in, you do have a choice over what kind of farm it will be. This decision has huge implications on your farm’s terrain, spacing, and the...
These settings are in theconfig.jsonfile, which is in the mod's main folder:Stardew Valley\Mods\FarmTypeManager. They change the behavior of the mod itself, rather than a specific farm or content pack. NameValid settingsDescription EnableConsoleCommandstrue, falseEnables or disables this mod's...
moolin found in the meadow sub-biome, the moolin produces 1x meadow milk per 10 minutes of eating 2x of any farmable plant. deciding to kill this cattle will make it drop marbled meat . however, note that moolin doesn’t respawn after dying, so ensure you know what you’re doing ...
Farm Type Manager This mod allows players and modders to customize features from Stardew Valley's different farm maps. It can spawn forageable plants, large objects (e.g. stumps and boulders), ore, and monsters at any location in the game. Users can configure the number of objects spawned ...
These settings are in theconfig.jsonfile, which is in the mod's main folder:Stardew Valley\Mods\FarmTypeManager. They change the behavior of the mod itself, rather than a specific farm or content pack. NameValid settingsDescription EnableConsoleCommandstrue, falseEnables or disables this mod's...
Farm Type Manager This mod allows players and modders to customize features from Stardew Valley's different farm maps. It can spawn forageable plants, large objects (e.g. stumps and boulders), ore, and monsters at any location in the game. Users can configure the number of objects spawned ...