Farming is the skill associated with planting, growing, and harvesting crops on the farm, and also the care of farm animals. It's one of the main income sources for the game, and provides most of the ingredients for cooking.
Farming is a nearly essential activity in Stardew Valley due to its huge potential for income and the useful crafting structures unlocked vialeveling the skill. Farming is probably the most effective way to make money early on, in combination with other activities likeforagingandfishing. The best ...
Skills are player attributes which are leveled up through the use of specific tools or actions, or by reading Books. Each skill has ten levels. A skill level increase is awarded immediately upon earning enough experience points (XP) for a new level, and
Stardewvalley Anime Mods 重新绘制了NPC,看上去更二次元一些。我也是第一次下载这个类型的mod,尝试一下。 Capitalist Dream Farm 修改你的农场,让它更大,更适合种地!曾经安过这个mod,这个地图真的特别大,菜地也很规整,在家里来回跑会觉得有点累。 NPC Map Locations(可不用) ...
| style="padding-left:0.4em;" | [[File:Farming_Skill_Icon.png|24px|link=]] [[技能|耕种]] |- | style="padding-left:0.4em;" | [[File:Riverland_Farm_Map_Icon.png|27px|link=农场地图#地图类型]] [[农场地图#地图类型|河边农场]] | * 地图的大部分都是河流。玩家可以在农场内尽情[[钓鱼...
语法: showexperience <I:skillID> 在游戏聊天区和SMAPI控制台中输出指定技能的总经验值。 可用的ID包括0(耕种)、1(钓鱼)、2(采集)、3(采矿)、4(战斗)、5(运气)。 # 统计和成就 command description achieve 语法: achieve <S:steamAchieveID> 获得指定的Steam成就。对应于游戏内成就的Steam成就,其...
Skills are a feature in Stardew Valley. They will have a base level, and can be improved temporarily by wearing certain Clothing items or from buffs by eating certain foods. Skills can be leveled up to 10. Each level up gives a new crafting or cooking re
There are eight different Farm Maps to choose from in Stardew Valley. Each map features a unique layout of the Farm, offering different benefits and favoring specific skills. Only one map can be chosen when starting a new game, and cannot be changed once
The Forest Farm has a unique type of weed which always drops Mixed Seeds when destroyed.Mixed Seeds will turn into the following seeds upon planting. Note that Mixed Seeds can turn into Artichoke Seeds during year 1, despite the fact that Artichoke Seeds are normally unavailable until year 2....