< Farming 跳到导航 跳到搜索 页面贡献者 : 等级1 等级2 等级3 等级4 等级5 打造配方: 打造配方: 打造/烹饪配方: 打造配方: 选择一个职业: 稻草人 初级肥料 蛋黄酱机 石围栏 洒水器 蜂房 生长激素 农夫午餐 罐头瓶 初级保湿土壤 铁围栏 畜牧人 畜产品价值提升20%。 农耕人 农作产品价值提升10%...
Farming is the skill associated with planting, growing, and harvesting crops on the farm, and also the care of farm animals. It's one of the main income sources for the game, and provides most of the ingredients for cooking.
Unfortunately, we haven’t found a way to spawn Truffle Crabs consistently, so the only way to get the item daily is by using pigs.Once you have a Truffle, you’ll need an Oil Maker to produce Truffle Oil. You’ll need to raise your Farming skill to level 8 to get the recipe for ...
InStardew Valley, you can develop five skills and work in 30 different professions. Turns out you didn’t leave the concept of multitasking behind after quitting your desk job to work on Grandpa’s farm. Unless you’re willing to pay up 10000 gold for your indecisiveness, you better choose...
Farming/Skill <Farming|Yiyi于7年前修改了此页面。 Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5 合成配方合成配方合成配方合成配方选择专精 稻草人初级肥料 蛋黄酱机石围栏洒水器 蜂房生长激素农夫午餐 罐头瓶初级保湿土壤铁围栏 牧场主 畜产品价值提升20%或更多...
First up, we have Farming. To level up your Farming skill,all you need to do is farm.This involves planting, watering, and harvesting crops. If you tend to your crops daily, you should level up this skill in no time. Farming Level 5 ...
野生种子(春季)工作小食 树木有时会掉落种子。 煤炭窑野炊工具苔藓汤野生种子(夏季)树液采集器蘑菇树桩 +1野生浆果收获 护林人 伐木时木材掉落增加25%。 (适用于木材和硬木) 收集者 采摘时有概率获得双倍作物数量。 (20%的几率) 等级6等级7等级8等级9等级10 ...
Stardew Valley gives players the option to engage in romantic relationships. This is a handy guide to every single romance available!
Increasing Farming Skill also increases the chance to harvest a quality crop. If a Seed Maker turns a higher-quality crop into seeds, the seeds are no more likely to produce higher-quality crops when grown and harvested. Note that for forage items grown from wild seeds, the quality of ...
This mods adds a new skill to the game, Travelling. Level it up simply by running it around and gain extra move speed with every level!