Bugs 0 Logs Stats Bug reports Pages 1 Status All issues Priority All priorities Sort by Date Order Desc Bug titleStatusRepliesVersionPriorityLast post Can't leave the greenhouse Not a bug 3 Le Super Bigger Greenhouse - Version 1.0.0 Not set 12 Apr 2024, 10:38PM Pages 1 VORTEX...
About this mod Large Greenhouse, originally created for my Legacy Farm but should be compatible with most farm maps! Three large planting rooms, a large basement, and a garden area to have fun with! Share Requirements Permissions and credits ...
This mod has not been updated for Stardew Valley 1.6 This Stardew Valley mod by PeacefulEnd aims to give you the fanciest backpack around. You can choose from multiple designs, change the colour, add dynamic lighting with a lantern, or even carry a backpack that gets bigger as your ...
游戏内时间采用一种特殊的24小时制,暂且称为“26小时制”,按10分钟为步长计时。这也是C# mod和Content Patcher包所使用的格式。 样例时间 时间值显示文本 6006:00 am 125012:50 am 13001:00 pm 26002:00 am (睡前) 内部时间在睡觉之前都会一直增加(例如,次日6时会在这种情况下变为3000)。
The Greenhouse is a building present on the farm from the start. It is initially in a state of disrepair, making it unusable. It can be repaired by completing the Pantry Bundles for the Community Center or by purchasing "Greenhouse" from the Joja Communi
STARDEW VALLEY GREENHOUSE: BUILDING & BENEFITS The greenhouse is a building that is already on your grandfather’s farm as soon as you move in. It’s in need of a lot of repairs, however, and you can’t just go to Robin to get it fixed as soon as you have the funds or resources ...
RavenRaven on Discord Extended Greenhouse, Super Greenhouse Chucklefish SMAPI RedxMoonxRoseredxmoonxrose on Discord Flower Valley Garage Nexus GitHub u/RedxMoonxRose pixels Renny_renny on Discord Stardew Void Effects, Infinite Junimo Cart Lives, Prairie King Prizes (Lootboxes) Nexus GitHub SMAPI...
Updated for Stardew Valley 1.3 (including multiplayer support). Added support for... auto-grabbers; garden pots and their crops; other players; new friendship data; crab pot bait. Added number of item needed in bundle list. (Thanks to StefanOssendorf!) Added support for custom greenhouse lo...
这是另一个走向沙漠的mod,一共增加了6张新地图,在这些地图里可以觅食,可以砍伐树木,还有一个无限怪物的山洞。 Lnh's More Greenhouse: Lnh的更多温室 × 增加了一个额外的温室,可以放置30个铱洒水器,种植24棵树,有一个小型的温泉,可以恢复体力 Lnh's More Farming Areas: Lnh的更多农业区 × 增加了几个...
Like the other abodes in the valley, the house is bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside. Of course, this is for both comical and gameplay purposes. Anyway, the house starts as just a small cabin, but can be upgraded to have bigger interiors provided that the player has ac...