Bugs 0 Logs Stats Bug reports Pages 1 Status All issues Priority All priorities Sort by Date Order Desc Bug titleStatusRepliesVersionPriorityLast post Can't leave the greenhouse Not a bug 3 Le Super Bigger Greenhouse - Version 1.0.0 Not set 12 Apr 2024, 10:38PM Pages 1 VORTEX...
The Greenhouse is a building present on the farm from the start. It is initially in a state of disrepair, making it unusable. It can be repaired by completing the Pantry Bundles for the Community Center or by purchasing "Greenhouse" from the Joja Communi
Stardew Valley Mods Maps JP's Greenhouses - Le Standard Greenhouse Endorsements 6 Unique DLs 378 Total DLs 414 Total views 5,697 Version 1.0.0 Download: Manual 3 items Last updated 06 April 202411:48PM Original upload 06 April 202410:56PM ...
IsGreenhousebool是否为温室(温室内可种植作物,且全年可生长)。 IsOutdoorsbool是否为室外。 charactersNPC组成的NetCollection该地点中的村民、宠物、马、怪物。 critters私有方法Critter组成的List该地点中暂时的鸟、松鼠等等,用于衬托景色。 debrisDebris组成的NetCollection掉落物(漂浮的物品)。
Like the other abodes in the valley, the house is bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside. Of course, this is for both comical and gameplay purposes. Anyway, the house starts as just a small cabin, but can be upgraded to have bigger interiors provided that the player has ac...
Completing all Pantry bundles will restore the dilapidated Greenhouse on the farm, making it available to grow Crops, Fruit Trees, and Trees year-round. PantryReward Greenhouse Spring Crops Bundle Parsnip Spring Crops Green Bean Spring Crops Cauliflower Spring Crops Potato Spring Crops ...
"LargerGreenhouse": { "AllowValues": "true, false", "Default": "false", "Default": "true", "Description": "Makes the greenhouse slightly bigger, with designated fruit tree spots.", }, "RemoveGreenhouseObjects": { @@ -256,6 +255,7 @@ { "Action": "Load", "Target": "Maps/Gree...
Stardew Valley Expanded-image translation-Chinese: 星露谷展开图片翻译 √ sve星露谷物语图片汉化版本。 建筑: Mini Obelisk: 迷你方尖碑 × 方尖碑将被小型化以提高能见度。地板也可以详细改变。还有季节的外观。 畜牧业和动物: [BFAV] Beach Animals - English & [JA] Flamingo Priducts: 海滩动物,及火烈...
Stardew Valley: moreinfo[Video Game Link] Qoute "I used to complain about this town being so small but I've grown to like it. If it was much bigger it wouldn't feel like a community." -Haley "We wouldn't be able to survive without nature. It's good to remember that." - Leah ...
Particularly the extra recipes, and the idea of a herb greenhouse and distillery. Those last two might be fun if they were extra areas to unlock - maybe a herb garden space could be made in the fenced-off area next to the community centre after completing a late-game quest for Evelyn?