This is the spool of the sewing machine, where the thread would usually go. On the right panel, you will see a clothing shape appear. If you're making new clothes, this will display with a question mark with the outline of the clothing. If you are making something already known, you ...
To dye clothes in Stardew Valley, you will need to use the Sewing Machine or the Dyeing Pot found in Emily's home. If you want more customization options, you can use the Dye Pot, albeit it will be more costly. You can choose the exact shade and hue for your clothing. To use the...
This no longer has a noticeable effect since shirts are now a clothing item; the clothes or dyeshirt commands should be used instead. # skincolor Syntax: skincolor <I:ID> Sets the player's skin color to the specified ID. Note that these IDs are one less than the values shown in...
and a few items — such as the Rainbow Shell — manage to be a bit of both. This colorful carapace is not only used to craft a unique clothing item, but it can also be used to dye other clothes to any color you like. Here’s how to get a Rainbow Shell either by quests, foragin...
To make clothes, do the following: Go to Emily and Haley's house. Interact with the sewing machine. Place 1 Cloth in the first slot. Place any other item in the second slot. For a complete recipe list, you can visit this website. Place the clothing into your inventory. The ...