How To Use The Sewing Machine In Emily And Haley's House How To Get Your Own Sewing Machine To Place Anywhere How To Use The Sewing Machine Types Of Clothing The Best Clothes To Make How To Dye Clothes How To Use Dye Pots Transferring Footwear Stats Prior to starting a new...
Instead of entering each command directly into the SMAPI console, you can also use the debug runmacro command to a list of debug commands from a text file. (This doesn't work with the non-debug commands.) Here's how to use it:
Sashimi (use any fish to make; restores 75 Stamina and 33 HP) Maki Roll (Any Fish, Seaweed, Rice; restores 100 Stamina and 45 HP) Quality Fertilizer (Sap x2, Any Fish; used in plots to make quality crops) Other Uses The Catfish can be used in the sewing machine to make a Fish ...
How to find the Lost Items Shop in Stardew Valley Kacee FayKacee Fay Zack Palm Staff Writer Zack Palm has been writing about video games for the past five years. He spends his free time trying to learn about a new board, reading high-fantasy series, or working on his latest DnD charac...
How To Make and Dye Custom Clothes in Stardew Valley To dye clothes in Stardew Valley, you will need to use the Sewing Machine or the Dyeing Pot found in Emily's home. If you want more customization options, you can use the Dye Pot, albeit it will be more costly. You can choose ...
How long is Monster Hunter Wilds What to do with Rainbow Shells Rainbow Shells can’t be crafted, but you can use them to make a dyable bikini top if you put one in the sewing machine, or use it to dye something any color of your choice. ...
Have access to the Sewing Machine in Emily's House 7 days Deliver to Emily all of the following: Ruby (1) Topaz (1) Emerald (1) Jade (1) Amethyst (1) Can be collected before accepting the special order If the Clint's Attempt story quest is active, the Amethyst will count towar...
Wheat is used in the spool of the Sewing Machine to create the dyeable Crop Tank Top. It is used in the spool of the Sewing Machine. It can be used in dyeing, serving as a yellow dye at the dye pots, Wheat details: Seed Cost: 10g from Pierre’s General Store and 12g from Joja...
Sewing Machineusing the Treasure Chest. Once you have that, every other Treasure Chest can be sold or gifted without worry. When you do, it will sell for agrand total of 5000g. You can get a good sense of how to farm these items in YouTubermGaud's video. ...
When you finally have the Stardew Valley Tiger Trout, you can use it for all sorts of things — from cooking to gifting, and even sewing! (I know that last bit is weird, but trust me on this.) Gifting Planning to give the Tiger Trout as a gift? Here’s how the residents of Pelic...