spread around a few grass starter kits (bought from Pierre's for 100G) to get it spreading. They'll eat one tile each per day. If the grass is far from the barn, the cow may go hungry. Fencing your animals in an area with grass ensures they can find it, just make sure there's...
This makes it an easy item to sell if you have Truffles laying around, as it willnet you at least 1065g. It will sell for even more if you have the Artisan Profession, as that willboost it up to 1491g. If you just make sure to put a Truffle in the Oil Maker when you take one...
Animals fulfill several roles on the farm. Some are wildlife, which cannot be interacted with. A pet (cat, dog, or turtle) can be earned which the player can form a friendship with. A horse can be purchased to ride. And "farm animals" can be purchased wh
↑ 查看游戏代码中的FarmAnimal::getSellPrice。 ↑ 查看游戏代码中的Farm::addCrows。 ↑ 查看游戏代码中的GameLocation::tryToAddCritters。历史1.3.27:修复了玩家在下午6点之后未睡觉导致动物好感度降低的错误。可以给马戴帽子。 1.4:新增猫和狗的外表各2种。幻觉神龛可改变宠物的外表。帽子可从马身上摘掉。删...
Today we will be counting down the top 10 most profitable animals in Stardew Valley. With a variety of animals to choose from, various goods to create and sell for all of your spending needs, and endless bouts of time on how to turn a mighty profit, this list aims to provide a way ...
ImageNameDescriptionSell Price MilkA jug of cow's milk. 125g 156g 187g 250g Large MilkA large jug of cow's milk. 190g 237g 285g 380g Reproduction Cows, likepigs,sheep, andgoats, have a low chance to reproduce and can produce baby cows. The more animals there are inside the samebar...
The last good production machine is the Fish Smoker, which makes, you guessed it, Smoked Fish. Once you learnhow to fish, you’ll want to quickly bring them to the Community Center or sel; them. If you like to sell fish, putting them in the Fish Smoker doubles their selling price. ...
Added 'added by mod' field for buildings, farm animals, fruit and non-fruit trees, movie concessions, and NPCs. This works with any mods which follow the unique string ID format. Added schedule in NPC lookup (thanks to b3nk3lly!). Added support for looking up placed flooring/path tiles...
Check on my animals? Chat to all the villagers? Head into the mines? Then we'll help you come up with a game plan. If you play smart, you’re in for a treat. Thankfully, we’ve put together some of our top tips, not only on how to make money quickly, but how to farm ...
Sell for Minimum of 700 Gold. Lava Eel Details Found on Level 100 of the Mines, or by the Forge in the Volcano. Will Turn Pond Water Red. Highest Selling Non-Legendary Fish. Second Hardest Non-Legendary Fish to Catch. 1. Stingray Image View Gallery The Stingray is one of the new fi...