Clay is a valuable resource, so if you're running short, here's all the ways to get clay in Stardew Valley. Plus, all the ways to use it! Clay is widely used in Stardew Valley to create essential building materials like bricks, decorative flower pots, and even sprinklers. No matter wh...
To get Cloth, you will need to raise animals, such as Rabbit or Sheep. They are amongst the best animals in Stardew Valley for many purposes, such as getting Wool. Once you have Wool, you can use it to craft Cloth with a Loom. However, you must have Level 7 Farming and upgraded yo...
There aren't any commands that can be used to cheat in items in Stardew Valley, instead, you must make use of a bug that allows you to name things (either yourself or an animal) the ID of an item, and then receive that item at a partiuclar point in the game. There are currently ...
Related: Stardew Valley: Guide To Crab Pots In this guide, we are going to go over how to get every item that goes into your wallet. There is not a larger reward for having each item, but overall, having every item will improve your life in the valley. It's important to note that...
Caring for animals is an essential part of cozy games likeStardew Valleyor Fae Farm. If you're trying to look after your animals in Fae Farm, you might have some difficulty; the Coop Ledger is notoriously tricky to find. Here's how you can get it and start registering animals in Fae ...
Where to find blue chickens in Stardew Valley Image via Pixel Animals The blue chicken is availableafter the eight-heart event with the villager Shane, where you see his own personal chicken coop filled with blue chicken and his favorite white chicken, Charlie. If you struggle to increase your...
If you’re as obsessed with Stardew Valley as I am, you probably think about it even when you’re not playing. However, we can’t play it 24/7. But if you still want to get your Stardew dopamine flowing, there is a way – Stardew Valley stories. YouTube is full of videos that ...
While Stardew Valley might be one of the most wholesome games on the market right now, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows when you start playing this game. There is a mining mechanic and the creatures that lurk in the deep caverns aren’t friendly at all. They will try to kill you ...
Updated March 30, 2023:Dinosaur eggs are a coveted item in Stardew Valley, but they can be tricky to get your hands on. We've updated this guide to present the information as clearly as possible, so you can find a Dinosaur Egg of your own and start producing them on your farm. ...
in Stardew, you’ll know how quickly those chickens can chomp through an entire field of grass. This mod means that animals can eat as much as they want, but the grass won’t disappear – saving you precious time, effort, and gold so you don’t have to replant your field every week...