Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, also known as simply Knights of the Old Republic or KotOR, is a monthly comic book series published by Dark Horse Comics that ran for four years, beginning January 25, 2006 and ending with its fiftieth issue on Feb
Star Wars: Destiny A splendid, underrated Star Wars TCG with dice A trading card game that combines card-duelling battles with dice-rolling combat,Star Wars: Destinyis a peculiar game, but quite a brilliant one. Two players will battle it out using a deck of cards, filled with all your ...
If you and a friend or family member want to duke it out in a galaxy far, far away, Star Wars: The Deckbuilding Game is an excellent choice. Rather than making you buy booster packs to assemble a deck, this standalone game comes with all the cards you need to pit the Reble Alliance...
Each player starts with a base that lacks abilities (Dantooine for the Rebels and Lothal for the Empire), but when that base is destroyed, you get to choose a replacement from your base deck, with each base having a special ability. Choose wisely to counter your opponent's plans! In addi...
2019 Star Wars: Armada Prime ChampionshipsPrizes, Dates, and Locations for the Armada Prime Championships#FFGOP Tweet “Alert all commands. Deploy the fleet.” –Admiral Piett, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Attention! Attention! A swarm of squadrons and capital ships have begun to converge...
* Complete deckplans and game stats for the modified spacetug, the Worthless Fool.* Adventure script and cut-aways to capture the mood and feel of the Star Wars movies.* Complete description of the mysterious Shashay Space Singers.* Information on the corporate-owned industrial planet of Narg...
Additionally, the naval holodeck scene at the beginning is nowhere near as funny as it was meant to be and the rest of the film is populated with new characters who are either dangerously gutless (the captain of the Enterprise-B) or disturbingly one-dimensional (Soran). Whoopi Goldberg give...
- Mold the crew by your choices: As you make decisions and set the tone for your ship, your crew will grow and change to match. Destroy enemy ships with all hands on deck and your crew will become more bloodthirsty and savage. Explore distant worlds and loot dangerous wastelands and your...
Yet, influenced by the huge success of Star Wars, which studio executives had at first thought to be a fluke, the decision was made on 21 October 1977 to upgrade the project to a full-fledged major theatrical feature, which quickly became known as Star Trek: The Motion Picture. (Star ...
You won’t find the same level of entertainment on the Star Pride as you do on larger ships (like Holland America’s Rotterdam, known for its innovative Music Walk deck). But there’s live music each evening after dinner. One evening on our recent cruise, the ship’s entertainers put on...