Star Wars: Directed by George Lucas. With Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Peter Cushing. Luke Skywalker joins forces with a Jedi Knight, a cocky pilot, a Wookiee and two droids to save the galaxy from the Empire's world-destroying battle stati
Because he’s the real hero of the Star Wars movies, consistently getting the others out of trouble just when things look their bleakest. From juggling turbolifts on an enemy battleship to fixing Luke’s X-Wing stabilisers during the first Death Star run, from mending the hyperdrive on the...
They travel to Scarif, eventually finding the plans and transmitting them to the Alliance, but at great cost to themselves. As they die on the planet below, the plans eventually make their way into the hands of Princess Leia. Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope Star Wars- Episode IV –...
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, also known as simply Knights of the Old Republic or KotOR, is a monthly comic book series published by Dark Horse Comics that ran for four years, beginning January 25, 2006 and ending with its fiftieth issue on Feb
“deathiversary,” Star Wars Galaxies Restoration (SWG Restoration) is proving once again that you can’t keep a good galaxy down. Today, they’ve unveiled Expanding Horizons, the largest update in their history. Whether you’re a longtime SWG player or new to the Restoration community, this...
26: Webisode 1: Introducing Star Wars The Clone Wars Introducing Star Wars: The Clone Wars. not specified 27: Webisode 2: Epic Battles A detailed look at the epic battles within Star Wars: The Clone Wars not specified 28: Webisode 3: The Clones are Coming ...
then walked into the Star Wars and on the floor in the aisle to watch… and didn’t even get caught or kicked out. It was like nothing we had ever seen before. This might be the film I have owned in the most formats, as we have VHS, DVD, and BluRay copies around the house. ...
Roblox Death Star Tycoon is a strategy-based game that allows players to build and manage their own Death Star. The game is set in theStar Warsuniverse and provides players with an immersive gameplay experience where they can design their space station, train troops, and defend against enemy at...
One piece of concept art Lucas approved for use as a starship in the film was described as a "Republic Clone Sky Fighter", but the ship ultimately was not included in the film. The design was later reused years later for the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative, much to ...
Get ready to dive into Star Wars: The Old Republic’s action-packed October lineup, packed with infectious outbreaks, Hutt banquets, and ancient relics. Whether you’re a seasoned SWTOR player or new to the game, these events promise unique challenges, exclusive rewards, and hours of galactic...