Coruscant Guard Gunship™ Coruscant Guard Gunship™ 是守衛銀河共和國 (後來的銀河帝國) 首都星球科羅森的重型武裝星艦。星艦在《星球大戰:複製人之戰™》動畫劇集舉足輕重。 使用這款LEGO®Star Wars™ Coruscant Guard Gunship™ (75354)遊戲組合,指揮你的星球大戰:複製人之戰™ 任務。9 歲以上孩子可...
A Clone Wars-era Coruscant Guard.These troops were descendants of the Republic shock troopers of ...
Clone Trooper™ & Battle Droid™ Battle Pack £24.99 6+ 119 4.2 501st Clone Troopers™ Battle Pack £17.99 9+ 1082 4.6 AT-TE™ Walker £119.99 9+ 1083 4.0 Coruscant Guard Gunship™ £129.99 8+ 221 5.0 BARC Speeder™ Escape ...
Discover handmade clone helmets from Samoilovart workshop. Each highly detailed helmet is perfect for collectors and adds a unique touch to your Star Wars collection.
Loyal to the Republic and his troops, Thire was often in charge of escort missions to dangerous worlds. Thire would eventually become the commanding officer of the Coruscant Guard. 9. Hevy Known to use a Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon, Hevy was ready charge headlong into any battle, no matter ...
LEGO has just released a new Star Wars battle pack, featuring a sizable collection of Republic clone troopers and Seperatist battle droids.
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The Chosen One Update. This patch didn’t just bring any Jedi—it introduced the legendary Anakin Skywalker, alongside the elite 501st Legion and Coruscant Guard. With the addition of the Emote Wheel, clone legion updates, and multiple quality-of-life improvements, this update became a defining...
Both characters are somewhat related of course, since Darth Sidious is actually politician Sheev Palpatine during The Clone Wars, and Fox is the head of the Coruscant Guard. And of course, he was tasked with both keeping the peace on the Republic’s capital-world, and protecting the...
For centuries, the Senate Guards have kept the galaxy's legislators from harm while they go about the Republic's business on the capital world of Coruscant. The best and bravest members of the guard are invited to become members of the Senate Commandos,